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Dreamweaver Forms!! Help Please!

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New member
Jan 1, 1970
Hello,<br>I am new with Dreamweaver and I wanted to put some forms up on to my site.&nbsp;&nbsp;I created them all and in the form's action box, I put the mailto:e-mailaddress.&nbsp;&nbsp;I wanted the responses from the text boxes to go to my yahoo mail account.&nbsp;&nbsp;But it is not working.&nbsp;&nbsp;Is there something that I am missing?&nbsp;&nbsp;Please help me.&nbsp;&nbsp;
Dear IceGirlAnn <br><br>&nbsp;the mailto: function is uesd in start ur default mail tool like outlook express and apps like that so in the form action area if you have mailto the mail will not go<br><br>&nbsp;you have to have a a cgi or a asp <br>&nbsp;if you need help reg that ask me <br>&nbsp;<br>&nbsp;regards <p>Unicorn11<br><a href=mailto:webmaster@tripmedia.com>webmaster@tripmedia.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>Hi there it all likeminded fellows!!!!!!
Yeah, I need help with the cgi thing.&nbsp;&nbsp;I have no clue about anything like that.
I am having the exact same problem, but I do have cgi.
How do I send the contents of the form to my server cgi, that is, how should I set up Dreamwever in order to send the contents of the form without using an asp?
Your help unicorn11 or anyone else would be appreciated with thanks
Well go to [tt][/tt]

download this file rename it as a pl then change the necessary parts like the address that this mailer can use then the email address u want to send it to

please ensure that the path to the perl and the sendmail are correct then this will work

PS I want to know if ur trying to create a mailer that is to function on a unix based or a NT server please reply to it

You may find it easier to use a java script form. This will work on the browser rather than relying on your server. You can get a selection from or I can email you a good one. These are mush easier to install that cgi. All you have to do is copy and paste two bits of script into your html. Good luck [sig][/sig]
Suggestion, post the URl for the site so we can see whats going on. Also, off the top of my head, most of the email links are just for that, email. You may have to combine forms into database for proper receipt. [sig][/sig]
Hi anybody,
I created a form with dreamweaver, but now I want to make a database to put those information I get. So could you tell me how can i send to database and then retrive the information from database.

thank you.
In answer to the last two questions the best way to do this is to set your forms method to POST and the action to an ASP page that you have created.

Within this ASP page you need to use ADO code to generate the inserts into the database - it assumes that you are using Access.

This is an example:

<%@ LANGUAGE=&quot;VBScript&quot; %>
<% Option Explicit %>
dim cnDb
dim cmAddToDB
dim strInsertSQL

set cnDB = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Connection&quot;)
cnDB.ConnectionString = &quot;Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=&quot; & Server.MapPath(&quot;\mydb.mdb&quot;)

strInsertSQL = &quot;INSERT INTO myTable(surname, forename) VALUES ('&quot; 
strInsertSQL = strInsertSQL & Request.Form(&quot;Surname&quot;)
strInsertSQL = strInsertSQL & &quot;', '&quot;
strInsertSQL = strInsertSQL & Request.Form(&quot;Forename&quot;)
strInsertSQL = strInsertSQL & &quot;');&quot;

set cmAddToDB = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Command&quot;)
set cmAddToDB.ActiveConnection = cnDB
cmAddToDB.CommandText = strInsertSQL

set cnDB = Nothing
set cmAddToDB = Nothing

The above example assumes that the form that called the ASP contains two textfileds called Surname and Forename. This hopefully will provide you with a starting point. It also assumes that your database is in the root directory of your site. Check with your ISP as they might have help in their FAQ about what to put in the

James :) James Culshaw
You may also want to check Matt's Script Archive: FormMail where you can set your forms up to send emails through your server, you just need to make sure that certain files are there which your server admin will be able to tell you. You can also get the files from the web site, and it's free.

All of the instructions are there and everything that you'll need. It's pretty easy to set-up.

As above, I think you probably have the ansa now, you need a Java script to collate the information to send to one address and then sometimes it depends on how geared up your Internet provider is, some servers have this installed, but not all.
The best advies is to contact your provider and they will tell you which is the best script to use for the callation of forms on your site.
After all. the info is going through thier server before you receive it.

Alison Steffens-Winchester.

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