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Dream Home office set up.....

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That's hilarious... Now if I can work out a way to work from home during those pesky 6 month cruises... LoL

B Haines
Pesky...darn ports...

CAn you say, "Pattaya Beach" or "Perth"???

Perth is OK. Head south a few kliks south the Freemantle and you're in a pretty area. Maybe go a little farther to Rockingham. But Perth itself? Sorta like what I would envision as San Diego in the early 1960s.

[the other] Bill

I would love to get to that area of the world one day!!! One of my techs from work spent about half his life down there - he said he can turn the accent on or off as he wants, but he has been in the US long enough that it is harder and harder to "talk funny" but he said it works GREAT in the US bars :)

Back on topic for cool offices - I cleaned up my home office some and put off getting a new home computer - I think I will watch for a cheap laptop - CompUSA has a Leveno for $399 that might do the trick, - only 1 GIG memory but already checked - Crucial has 2 GIG chip for it for $14 - reviews say that with 3 GIGs it is a fast little laptop.

I did get a monitor for the home office - Dell had a sale - $100 off and I got a 24 inch widescreen, working for a college we get 7% off from Dell so that saved the tax and they had free shipping - so it came to about $230 total :)

It is not the best that Dell sells, does not have an adjustable stand (no big deal) and no USB on the side of the monitor (again no big deal) ........ what it is, is a nice monitor and I thought it was just VGA, but it is DVI also. It also has a HD connector :)

I have the 24 inch right in front of the keyboard (centered) and then to the side of it I have a Dell 17 inch. I have all my icons and "Start" on the 17inch and most things are set to open on the 24inch. I gotta say surfing webpages with 24 inches gives you lots of room to see EVERYTHING - nothing scrolls to the left or right :)

I have a new keyboard coming - Buy.com had one of the "gamer" keyboards that is backlit for $27 with no tax and free shipping (they SAY 5-9 day shipping but I have NEVER seen FREE shipping take long). I am one who likes the lights off and I have to "hunt and peck" sometimes so the backlit keyboard will be nice. The reviews were very good - it had sold for like $75 last year - the new version of the keyboard sells for $80, I can live with a $27 keyboard!!!!

What does your "home" office look like ???????

E.A. Broda
CCNA, CCDA, CCAI, Network +
Home office? We don't need no steenkin office. That's what happens during retirement. :)

(Remember that when I worked at home I was mostly doing email, security evaluations and writing papers.)

My "home office" did consist of a laptop connected to a kb, mouse and monitor, a second computer, and a server. All these had 17" LCDs. The office was also the "wiring closet" and had an 831 (plus a cold standby), a 1121G and 8-port D-Link gb network switch.

Today, that same space has four computers (one server) all with 17" monitors, 2 X 3640 router, 1 X 3660 router, an 877, two 831s, 1 HP ProCurve 1400SG, 1 HP ProCurve 1800SG, a D-Link 8-port gb switch and a few other sundry networking items.

That "office" really isn't used much except as a lab. The lab is much more than a Cisco network lab.

[the other] Bill
..."talk funny" but he said it works GREAT in the US bars"

YES IT DOES!!! Can't tell you how much Trojan has made off of me!



He did say that "down under" us Americans "talk funny" AND the girls there love it :)

Oh, and please tell me when you are heading "out" again, so that I can buy stock in Tojan's and Hershey's :)

E.A. Broda
CCNA, CCDA, CCAI, Network +
I mean it works HERE in bars. But I can't do that anymore---married, and my wife hates moy eksent, mayte...

Well, our new home in FL is allowing for me to have an office (converted bedroom.. LoL) but it will do for now! One day I will I will convert an abandoned missile silo into one huge clustered lab! Just before I rule the world! LoL

B Haines


That's cute, you think you have an office, what does Mrs. Maczen have to say ???? :)

Just kidding, love my office at home, it is nice to have a place to get away to so that you can work and not have to tear down or put your stuff away because company is coming over :)

Hope your home is ready to go, the bedroom part of my house was built in 1940 and all the electric outlets were not grounded, had an electrictian run a seperate circuit for the room while he did the grounding, I have 2 outlets on 3 of the 4 walls (6 outlets), 2 seperate circuits. So all is grounded and nothing is overloaded.

My house started as a 2 bedroom 1 bath and over the years I have added, it is now a 4 bedroom, 2 bath. My master bedroom was the living room and where my walk-in closet and bathroom - was once the front porch. My house, at one time looked just like the house next door, now you would never know they were the same builder.

Enjoy your move, hope you get to settle into Florida for a while, maybe once you are a computer guy in the Navy they will send you to Central Command at MacDill AFB in Tampa, I see lots of Navy in my coffee shop which is not far from the base. I also have had several sailors in my Cisco classes from Central Command.

E.A. Broda
CCNA, CCDA, CCAI, Network +
That's awesome.. Would be really cool to be stationed in Tampa for a few!

B Haines
We just got the keys to our new place yesterday so once I get done painting, cleaning, etc, I get to start setting up my new home office.

Starting to think I need to break down and get a 7ft rack. Definitely got some grand ideas, just hope I can pull part of them off.



I have a 7 foot rack in my home office - it is nice, right next to my 4 drawer file cabinate.

I remember the FIOS guy as he was walking into the office starting to ask if I needed him to install a NIC in the PC, he took one look at the rack of Cisco routers and switches and laughed.

Much better to get the painting done before you get into the place, I painted my office a light blue, read that it is very calming and it seems to be.

I also put up a 10 inch wide shelf in my office about 1 foot from the ceiling and around the whole room (basicly wasted space). I painted it the same color as my office, it is the perfect space for software boxes, extra parts ( I put those in the boxes that WICs come in), books (if you put it up well) - the stuff you don't use all the time but never have a place for.

In one part of the room the shelf blends into 3 more lower shelves where I have stuff I use more often. In an 8 by 10 bedroom, that adds a lot of extra storage.

Just a thought! Congrats on the new place!

E.A. Broda
CCNA, CCDA, CCAI, Network +
Yes congrats! Enjoy the painting! I will be there one day! Renting through one lease.. long enough to get to know the area then going to use up either that first time buyers or the VA buyers program! I am thinking that the Jax area would be a good investment with the economy as it is!

B Haines
Unfortuneately, I don't get to claim the entire room for an office. Guess that's where the exercise bike and other exercise is going.

I scored a couple of 10ft countertops a couple years back that work was just throwing away. Thinking right now going to set it up as a 2 station desk (his and hers). Put some base cabinets under it for file cabinets and such...just have to figure out where the rack is going to go. Naturally working around the exercise gear is going to be a little bit of a challenge.
That can work out pretty well.. Take some pics when you get it all done!!!

B Haines
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