I have created a set of arrays in my Crystal report. I now need to draw a graph of these array values in Crystal, but I can't seem to do this when I try to construct a chart.
Thanks Rosemary. I am running Crystal V9. I need to calculate a 12 month rolling figure (i.e. the sum of the previous 12 months' numbers). I have done this using an array. I now need to graph these 12 month rolling figures to examine the trend for each month. But the formula I have used to calculate the arrays is not a field which can be "graphed" on. Hence my problem.
Ok ... are you stating that the array contains the sum of some column/data, one element in the array representing each month?
If so, then I would create 12 separate formulas. For example, 01_Mo, 02_Mo and so on. Now the sum of these formulas can be used in a chart to do exactly what you state.
Here is an example from one of my reports, where I have done a "manual crosstab". I generate the column header in one formula and then in another and check the date of my record to see if it in the range of that month and print a 1 or 0... you could change the then 1 else 0 part to then {table.Column} holding the value for that month.
The nice thing about this is that I can group my report by whatever I want and get grandtotals for the month and summaries at each group level.
I can also chart on the data.
Here is the formula for the column header:
dateadd("m", -12,{?Pm-@ReferenceDate})
I just place that on my report and format it to show Month only.
Next, is 01_Mo formula and represents the month that is 12 months from the reference date parameter (I prompt user for "Run As" date).
if {Incident.Open Date & Time}
Year(dateadd("m", -12,{?Pm-@ReferenceDate})),
Month(dateadd("m", -12,{?Pm-@ReferenceDate})),01)
then 1
else 0
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