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double side printing problem 2

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Oct 20, 2002
I have finished up my 12 page booklet and went to get it printed yesterday but blew it.
What specifications do i ask the printer for so that i can set it out correctly?? Especially for a double side print run.
A professional printer will have imposition software to automatically turn your 12 pages into a bound booklet. All you need to do is turn in your file to them. Just make sure that you preflight and package the document from the File menu.

If they do not have InDesign and imposition software then you should go to another printer. It is possible to impose yourself but a printer that cannot make a book from InDesign should not be your printer.

What got blown?

- - picklefish - -
Why is everyone in this forum responding to me as picklefish?
Thanks Jimoblak,
Ill ask the printer when i ring them later on. They have InDesign, but i dont know if they will impose it for me. They r not a big printery.
What got 'blown' was the project, I thought i had it imposed and laid out correctly but when it got printer double sided the heights of the pages didnt match up// one was lower then the other.
Jimoblak is right.... it's the printers resonsibility to produce what you request (within reason) just make sure you supply them with a single page pdf or InDesign file running from page one to twelve you don't need to impose anything youself.
If the printer can't or won't impose it for you...
as Jimoblak said...find another printer

Thanks guys appreciate it, i m only just learning about outputting my print so ididnt really know what to expect from the printers.
One of the first things you should do prior to starting the production of any job is to talk to your printer - tell him what you want as a final product.

Fnd out what programs he has and how you should provide the files for him in order to get what you want.

You can avoid all sorts of problems & create a lot less stress on yourself if you work together with your printer instead of just assuming you are setting something properly & hoping he will be able to wave some sort of magic wand & get your files to work.

And, if you give him what he asks for, then it is his responsibility to produce a professional, properly imposed printed piece.
Hi, I´ve just subscribed to this comunity and found it a very useful tool. I work as a graphic design design and i´m not quite familiar with Indesign, though i know Pagemaker very well. I´d like to ask if there´s the possibility to do the imposition on my office printer, so i could show the client a print similar to the print done by the printer.
If you have a printer which will do Duplex, then you can run out double sided sheets of paper.

Or if you had the printer large enough to print out an Imposed sheet of paper, like a Sherpra.
I would only do it if you are doing boxes, covers or packaging.

I can't stress the following enough:
Leave it to the professional pre-press people for impositions. If you try it you will get it wrong. They know the specs of their presses. they know the sheet size it will be printed on. they know the gutter, foradge, header and footer margins and they know creep and shingle etc, etc, etc.

Even if you do a mock up to show the client, what he sees from you may be different to what he will see from the printshop

You can impose documents yourself using a free script from the ID CD or using InBooklet from ALAP.com. A demo is available for download. InBooklet seems to be an essential plugin since Adobe is now including a lite version of it in the PageMaker plugin pack.

- - picklefish - -
Why is everyone in this forum responding to me as picklefish?

Let the printer worry about it. Send them the output in Indesign or as a pdf and they will take care of the rest. I have published dozens of books and have never had a problem, most printers will take Indesign files although I find a lot of print-on-demand printers like pdf files.

The buildbook script that came on the Indesign 2.0 cd does not work on Indesign CS. There was a version that works with CS posted on the Adobe Indesign Scripting Forum, if any one wants it let me know and I'll post it here.

I am new to InDesign. I am trying to print out 2 page programs that are suppose to be double sided each. I have an office printer(Fiery x2e laser printer)that duplexes but everytime I send it to the printer it comes out in 4 pages. I am not sure of all the jargon for InDesign. Am I missing something in the initial setup of my document? In the print dialog box I don't see a double sided print option. In the print dialog box I even tried going into setup style and then finding my printer right clicking on it then going to properties which then let me set up the duplex style. Can anyone help me? This job is not an option for sending to a printer this is an in-house project.
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