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double quotation mark problem with SQL2000

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Jun 27, 2001
Hi all,

having a major headache with this problem.

Inside my SQL2000 table, there's a field with the value of "21" colour monitor". This row has an index of 3. Note that there is a double quotation mark in it.

when i want to search for this record, i use the following codes.

strSQL = "SELECT fielddesc FROM tblMonitior WHERE iIndex = 3"
Set rstChk = objConn.Execute(strSQL)

partDesc = rstChk("fielddesc")

'****this would give me the value of the description*****'
'*but when i want to use the description with the WHERE clause, like this*****'

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblMonitiors WHERE fielddesc = '" & partDesc & "'"
Set rstChkAgain = objConn.Execute(strSQL)

'*****no records is found*****'

does anybody has any idea why?? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.


Given you are using SQL Server and ADO why not use
stored procedures and ADO Parameters and Command objects.
When you use a Parameter object it doesn't matter what the content is wrt quotes. <insert witticism here>
Can i have your connection string... cause access is fine Regards gsc1ugs
&quot;Cant see wood for tree's...!&quot;
Meaning some driver info to connect via SQL server Regards gsc1ugs
&quot;Cant see wood for tree's...!&quot;
Hi... just managed get it going.... dont know what your connection is but here's the code i used

DIM objConn
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Connection&quot;)



strSQL = &quot;SELECT fielddesc FROM cart WHERE iIndex = 3&quot;
Set rstChk = objConn.Execute(strSQL)

partDesc = rstChk(&quot;fielddesc&quot;)

strSQL = &quot;SELECT * FROM cart WHERE fielddesc = '&quot; & partDesc & &quot;'&quot;
Set rstChkAgain = objConn.Execute(strSQL)

if not rstChkAgain.EOF then
Response.write &quot;results &quot;&rstChkAgain(&quot;fielddesc&quot;)
Response.write &quot;Nothing found&quot;
End if

%> Regards gsc1ugs
&quot;Cant see wood for tree's...!&quot;

this is my connection string.

&quot;Driver={SQL Server};UID=mySQLID;PWD=password;DATABASE=dbMyData;SERVER=myServerName&quot;

the problem is that the value that is taken out from the database with the double quotation marks cannot be used to search for the same record again.


It worked fine with me... try the above code Regards gsc1ugs
&quot;Cant see wood for tree's...!&quot;
SQLServer Database Functions


The character code for ' is 39
and for &quot; is 34

value = [search parameter]

value = REPLACE(value,CHR(39),&quot;'+CHAR(39)+'&quot;)

value = REPLACE(value,CHR(34)m&quot;'+CHAR(34)+'&quot;)

sql = &quot;UPDATE/SELECT FROM ........&quot; & _
&quot;WHERE Field = '&quot; & value & &quot;'&quot;

If your where clause is using '21&quot; colour monitor'
the value will be '21' + CHR(34) + ' colour monitor'.

Always replace single quotes first.
create procedure findMonitorByDesc(@Desc nvarchar(10))
as select * from tblMonitior where fielddesc= @Desc
dim obj_Command, obj_Parameter
set obj_Command= Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Command&quot;)
set obj_Parameter= Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Parameter&quot;)
set rstChkAgain= Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Recordset&quot;)
obj_Command.ActiveConnection= objConn
obj_Command.CommandText= &quot;findMonitorByDesc&quot;
obj_Command.CommandType= 4'adCmdStoredProc
set obj_Parameter = obj_Command.CreateParameter(&quot;Desc&quot;, 129, 1, len(partDesc), partDesc)
obj_Command.Parameters.Append obj_Parameter
rstChkAgain.Open obj_Command
<insert witticism here>
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Part and Inventory Search

