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Jun 13, 2002

I have an accounting software programmed in Win Xp. To run the software i require the line FILES=200 in the config.sys file. But i could not edit config.sys in Win XP and whenever i run the program it says DOS ERROR 4.

Please help
YOu need to edit:

they are located in the winnt\system32 (folder)

Good Luck!! Please let me know if this helped you :)

Wireless Toyz
Ypsilanti, Michigan
I thought this is one of the features dropped from Windows XP, DOS compatibility!

If it is still there I would like to know how as well.
Further to my previous post...

Oops, it does process c:\windows\system32\config.nt
so setting files=99 does work, at least on the demo version.

I set it to 99 and tried my Clipper app. and it loaded and opened all the files it needed. It was a fresh install on a P166 and it appeared very quick, but I didn't use it for very long.
that good! :) .... Good luck! Please let me know if this helped you :)

Wireless Toyz
Ypsilanti, Michigan
Thanks for your replies. But I regret to inform you that it did not work in my case. I increased the settings of Config.nt(c:\windowss\system32\config.nt) to files=200 but still when i execute the program it gives Dos Error 4. I think a specific location for config.sys is specified in the programs PIF. Can anyone teach me to edit the PIF. I have the source code of the program

PIF has nothing to do with Clipper-compiled prorgams, you mentioned making changes to files=200. How about setting environment to autoexec.nt? Add "set clipper=F150;E000"
in case ccc555 suggestion did not work, also, try this:
in autoexec.nt

set clipper=f80 Please let me know if this helped you :)

Wireless Toyz
Ypsilanti, Michigan
Thanks a lot ccc555. Your suggestion worked. I can now run my accounting package. But still there is a problem.

When I run the exe file it is not displayed in full screen. I then set the window opttion to full screen by right clicking the exe file. Now it is displayed only in the upper half of the screen. In Win 98/ME it works fine. Plz help me out.

If you don't my could you pls explain me what the line "set clipper=F150;E000" means???


make a batch file

YourApp.bat (should look like this)
rem the line below sets the screen to full
mode con: cols=80 lines=25
YourApp.Exe Please let me know if this helped you :)

Wireless Toyz
Ypsilanti, Michigan
Thanks teknoSDS. But the program still runs in small screen. Almost half the screen size.

DO u have any another solution??

Waiting for ur reply
Set the screenbuffer size in the pif to be exact 80x25, as you would like, combined with Tekno's tip it should give a solution.

thnx arainfor... i downloaded the program but it did not work. Any other solutions, plz let me know.........


Load a command prompt. Make this full screen (Alt-Enter). Load your programme. If it then works then we have a chance of winning. If not then why not? close this.

Right click on the programme icon. Go to Layout and change the screen height to 25. Go to Options and select Full Screen. Apply and OK this. You should not get it full screen when you start.
1. Create a shortcut to cmd.exe. You can do this by right
clicking the command prompt in accessories and choosing
send to (desktop create shortcut)
2. Edit the shortcut's properties. Select the shortcut tab
You should see something like the following
in target.
Change it to read as below
%SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe /c <app name and full path>
%SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe /c c:\mydir\myapp.exe
3. Choose the options tab and select full screen
4. Choose the layout tab and set both widths to 80 and
both heights to 25
5. Rename the shortcut and change the icon.

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