Hi there
I have an inherited application that uses domLib.js and domTT.js to produce tooltips. these tooltips have always worked fine until IE7 came along.
I have googled and googled for an answer to my issue, but no joy.
Here is a broken-down html page i am using for testing:
Works fine in firefox and IE6 but not IE7
As you can see i have no positioning to conflict, nor am i using an
image, so all threads i have managed to find on google are irrelevent.
Could someone please point me in the right direction for a fix here:
FYI content of js files below:
Remember... True happiness is not getting what you want...
Its wanting what you have got!
I have an inherited application that uses domLib.js and domTT.js to produce tooltips. these tooltips have always worked fine until IE7 came along.
I have googled and googled for an answer to my issue, but no joy.
Here is a broken-down html page i am using for testing:
<script type="text/javascript" src="domLib.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="domTT.js"></script>
<a href='javascript:void(0);' onmouseover='return
makeTrue(domTT_activate(this, event,"statusText","","content","show
me", ""));'>Click</a>
Works fine in firefox and IE6 but not IE7
As you can see i have no positioning to conflict, nor am i using an
image, so all threads i have managed to find on google are irrelevent.
Could someone please point me in the right direction for a fix here:
FYI content of js files below:
// {{{ global constants
* Global constants (DO NOT EDIT)
// browsers
var domLib_userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var domLib_isOpera = domLib_userAgent.indexOf('opera 7') != -1 ? 1 :
var domLib_isKonq = domLib_userAgent.indexOf('konq') != -1 ? 1 : 0;
var domLib_isIE = !domLib_isKonq && !domLib_isOpera &&
(domLib_userAgent.indexOf('msie 5') != -1 ||
domLib_userAgent.indexOf('msie 6') != -1);
var domLib_isIE5up = domLib_isIE;
var domLib_isIE50 = domLib_isIE && domLib_userAgent.indexOf('msie
5.0') != -1;
var domLib_isIE55 = domLib_isIE && domLib_userAgent.indexOf('msie
5.5') != -1;
var domLib_isIE5 = domLib_isIE50 || domLib_isIE55;
var domLib_isIE55up = domLib_isIE5up && !domLib_isIE50;
var domLib_isIE6up = domLib_isIE55up && !domLib_isIE55;
var domLib_isGecko = domLib_userAgent.indexOf('gecko') != -1 ? 1 : 0;
// abilities
var domLib_useLibrary = domLib_isOpera || domLib_isKonq ||
domLib_isIE5up || domLib_isGecko ? 1 : 0;
var domLib_canTimeout = !(domLib_isKonq || domLib_isIE50);
var domLib_canFade = domLib_isGecko || domLib_isIE55up;
// event variables
var domLib_eventTarget = domLib_isIE ? 'srcElement' : 'currentTarget';
var domLib_eventButton = domLib_isIE ? 'button' : 'which';
var domLib_eventTo = domLib_isIE ? 'toElement' : 'relatedTarget';
var domLib_stylePointer = domLib_isIE ? 'hand' : 'pointer';
// :FIX: bug in Opera that it can't set maxWidth to 'none'
var domLib_styleNoMaxWidth = domLib_isOpera ? '10000px' : 'none';
var domLib_hidePosition = '-1000px';
var domLib_scrollbarWidth = 14;
var domLib_autoId = 1;
var domLib_zIndex = 100;
// detection
var domLib_selectElements;
var domLib_timeoutStateId = 0;
var domLib_timeoutStates = new Hash();
// }}}
// {{{ Object.prototype.clone
Object.prototype.clone = function()
var copy = {};
for (var i in this)
var value = this[i];
if (value != null && typeof(value) == 'object' && value != window
&& !value.nodeType)
// for IE5 which doesn't inherit prototype
value.clone = Object.clone;
copy[i] = value.clone();
copy[i] = value;
copy[i] = value;
return copy;
// }}}
// {{{ class Hash()
function Hash()
this.length = 0;
this.elementData = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i += 2)
if (typeof(arguments[i + 1]) != 'undefined')
this.elementData[arguments[i]] = arguments[i + 1];
this.get = function(in_key)
return this.elementData[in_key];
this.set = function(in_key, in_value)
if (typeof(in_value) != 'undefined')
if (typeof(this.elementData[in_key]) == 'undefined')
return this.elementData[in_key] = in_value;
return false;
this.remove = function(in_key)
var tmp_value;
if (typeof(this.elementData[in_key]) != 'undefined')
tmp_value = this.elementData[in_key];
delete this.elementData[in_key];
return tmp_value;
this.size = function()
return this.length;
this.has = function(in_key)
return typeof(this.elementData[in_key]) != 'undefined';
// }}}
// {{{ domLib_isDescendantOf()
function domLib_isDescendantOf(in_object, in_ancestor)
if (in_object == in_ancestor)
return true;
while (in_object != document.documentElement)
if ((tmp_object = in_object.offsetParent) && tmp_object ==
return true;
else if ((tmp_object = in_object.parentNode) == in_ancestor)
return true;
in_object = tmp_object;
// in case we get some wierd error, just assume we haven't gone out
return true;
return false;
// }}}
// {{{ domLib_detectCollisions()
// :WARNING: hideList is being used as an object property and is not a
function domLib_detectCollisions(in_object, in_recover)
// no need to do anything for opera
if (domLib_isOpera)
if (typeof(domLib_selectElements) == 'undefined')
domLib_selectElements = document.getElementsByTagName('select');
// if we don't have a tip, then unhide selects
if (in_recover)
for (var cnt = 0; cnt < domLib_selectElements.length; cnt++)
var thisSelect = domLib_selectElements[cnt];
if (!thisSelect.hideList)
thisSelect.hideList = new Hash();
// if this is mozilla and it is a regular select or it is multiple
and the
// size is not set, then we don't need to unhide
if (domLib_isGecko && (!thisSelect.multiple || thisSelect.size <
if (!thisSelect.hideList.length)
domLib_selectElements[cnt].style.visibility = 'visible';
// okay, we have a tip, so hunt and destroy
var objectOffsets = domLib_getOffsets(in_object);
for (var cnt = 0; cnt < domLib_selectElements.length; cnt++)
var thisSelect = domLib_selectElements[cnt];
// if this is mozilla and not a multiple-select or the multiple
select size
// is not defined, then continue since mozilla does not have an
if (domLib_isGecko && (!thisSelect.multiple || thisSelect.size < 0))
// if the select is in the tip, then skip it
// :WARNING: is this too costly?
if (domLib_isDescendantOf(thisSelect, in_object))
if (!thisSelect.hideList)
thisSelect.hideList = new Hash();
var selectOffsets = domLib_getOffsets(thisSelect);
// for mozilla we only have to worry about the scrollbar itself
if (domLib_isGecko)
selectOffsets.set('left', selectOffsets.get('left') +
thisSelect.offsetWidth - domLib_scrollbarWidth);
selectOffsets.set('leftCenter', selectOffsets.get('left') +
selectOffsets.set('radius', Math.max(thisSelect.offsetHeight,
var center2centerDistance =
Math.sqrt(Math.pow(selectOffsets.get('leftCenter') -
objectOffsets.get('leftCenter'), 2) +
Math.pow(selectOffsets.get('topCenter') -
objectOffsets.get('topCenter'), 2));
var radiusSum = selectOffsets.get('radius') +
// the encompassing circles are overlapping, get in for a closer
if (center2centerDistance < radiusSum)
// tip is left of select
if ((objectOffsets.get('leftCenter') <=
selectOffsets.get('leftCenter') && objectOffsets.get('right') <
selectOffsets.get('left')) ||
// tip is right of select
(objectOffsets.get('leftCenter') > selectOffsets.get('leftCenter')
&& objectOffsets.get('left') > selectOffsets.get('right')) ||
// tip is above select
(objectOffsets.get('topCenter') <= selectOffsets.get('topCenter')
&& objectOffsets.get('bottom') < selectOffsets.get('top')) ||
// tip is below select
(objectOffsets.get('topCenter') > selectOffsets.get('topCenter')
&& objectOffsets.get('top') > selectOffsets.get('bottom')))
if (!thisSelect.hideList.length)
thisSelect.style.visibility = 'visible';
thisSelect.hideList.set(in_object.id, true);
thisSelect.style.visibility = 'hidden';
// }}}
// {{{ domLib_getOffsets()
function domLib_getOffsets(in_object)
var originalObject = in_object;
var originalWidth = in_object.offsetWidth;
var originalHeight = in_object.offsetHeight;
var offsetLeft = 0;
var offsetTop = 0;
while (in_object)
offsetLeft += in_object.offsetLeft;
offsetTop += in_object.offsetTop;
in_object = in_object.offsetParent;
return new Hash(
'left', offsetLeft,
'top', offsetTop,
'right', offsetLeft + originalWidth,
'bottom', offsetTop + originalHeight,
'leftCenter', offsetLeft + originalWidth/2,
'topCenter', offsetTop + originalHeight/2,
'radius', Math.max(originalWidth, originalHeight)
// }}}
// {{{ domLib_setTimeout()
function domLib_setTimeout(in_function, in_timeout, in_args)
if (typeof(in_args) == 'undefined')
in_args = [];
if (in_timeout == 0)
return 0;
// must make a copy of the arguments so that we release the reference
if (typeof(in_args.clone) != 'function')
in_args.clone = Object.clone;
var args = in_args.clone();
if (domLib_canTimeout)
return setTimeout(function() { in_function(args); }, in_timeout);
var id = domLib_timeoutStateId++;
var data = new Hash();
data.set('function', in_function);
data.set('args', args);
domLib_timeoutStates.set(id, data);
data.set('timeoutId', setTimeout('domLib_timeoutStates.get(' + id +
').get(\'function\')(domLib_timeoutStates.get(' + id + ').get(\'args
\')); domLib_timeoutStates.remove(' + id + ');', in_timeout));
return id;
// }}}
// {{{ domLib_clearTimeout()
function domLib_clearTimeout(in_id)
if (domLib_canTimeout)
if (domLib_timeoutStates.has(in_id))
// }}}
// {{{ domLib_getEventPosition()
function domLib_getEventPosition(in_eventObj)
var eventPosition = new Hash();
if (domLib_isKonq)
eventPosition.set('x', in_eventObj.x);
eventPosition.set('y', in_eventObj.y);
else if (domLib_isIE)
if (document.documentElement.clientHeight)
eventPosition.set('x', in_eventObj.clientX +
eventPosition.set('y', in_eventObj.clientY +
// :WARNING: consider case where document.body doesn't yet exist for
eventPosition.set('x', in_eventObj.clientX +
eventPosition.set('y', in_eventObj.clientY +
eventPosition.set('x', in_eventObj.pageX);
eventPosition.set('y', in_eventObj.pageY);
return eventPosition;
// }}}
// {{{ makeTrue()
function makeTrue()
return true;
// }}}
// {{{ makeFalse()
function makeFalse()
return false;
// }}}
// {{{ docs <-- this is a VIM (text editor) text fold
* DOM Tooltip 0.6.0
* Summary:
* Allows developers to add custom tooltips to the webpages. Tooltips
* controlled through three style class definitions. This library
also detects
* collisions against native widgets in the browser that cannot handle
* zIndex property. But this library is even more than that...with
all the
* features it has, it has the potential to replace the need for
* entirely as it can embed just about any html inside the tooltip,
leading to
* the possibility of having whole forms or iframes right inside the
* other programs!!!
* Maintainer: Dan Allen <d...@mojavelinux.com>
* License: LGPL
* However, if you use this library, you become an official bug
reporter :)
* Please post to my forum where you use it so that I get a chance to
see my
* baby in action. If you are doing this for commercial work perhaps
you could
* send me a few Starbucks Coffee gift dollars to encourage future
* (NOT REQUIRED). E-mail me for my address.
* Homepage: [URL unfurl="true"]http://www.mojavelinux.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=127[/URL]
* Freshmeat Project: [URL unfurl="true"]http://freshmeat.net/projects/domtt/?topic_id=92[/URL]
* Updated: 2003/02/14
* Supported Browsers: Mozilla (Gecko), IE 5.0+, Konqueror, Opera 7
* Usage:
* All this is required is to put the function call in the event tag
for an
* html element. The status option (for changing the status bar text)
is only
* available through all events, but when used with 'onmouseover' you
have to
* return true so that the browser does not display the link text in
the status
* bar. To do this, wrap the domTT_activate call in the function
* which will just return true, and then prefix it with a 'return'
* Example: <a href="index.html" onmouseover="return
makeTrue(domTT_activate(this, event, 'caption', 'Help', 'content',
'This is a link with a tooltip', 'statusText', 'Link', 'trial',
true));">click me</a>
* Options:
* Each option is followed by the value for that option. The variable
* must be the first parameter, as shown above. The options avaiable
* predefined (optional, must be first item if used, loads default
* caption (optional)
* content (required)
* closeLink (optional, defaults to domTT_closeLink global setting
* statusText (optional, if used with mouseover must wrap call in
'return domTT_true()')
* type (optional, defaults to 'greasy' but can be 'sticky' or
* classPrefix (optional, defaults to 'domTT', for changing style
* delay (optional, defaults to global delay value
* parent (optional, defaults to document.body)
* closeAction (optional, defaults to global domTT_closeAction, either
'hide' or 'remove')
* trail (optional, follow the mouse cursor while tooltip is active)
// }}}
// {{{ Settings (editable)
* Settings (editable)
var domTT_offsetX = 0;
var domTT_offsetY = 2;
var domTT_direction = 'southeast';
var domTT_mouseHeight = 20;
var domTT_closeLink = 'X';
var domTT_screenEdgePadding = 5;
var domTT_activateDelay = 500;
var domTT_maxWidth = 300;
var domTT_useGlobalMousePosition = true;
var domTT_classPrefix = 'domTT';
var domTT_fade = 'neither';
var domTT_lifetime = 0;
var domTT_grid = 0;
var domTT_closeAction = 'hide';
var domTT_dragStickyTips;
if (typeof(domTT_dragStickyTips) == 'undefined')
var domTT_dragStickyTips = false;
// }}}
// {{{ Global constants
* Global constants (DO NOT EDIT)
var domTT_predefined = new Hash();
var domTT_tooltips = new Hash();
// }}}
// {{{ document.onmousemove
if (domLib_useLibrary && domTT_useGlobalMousePosition)
var domTT_mousePosition = new Hash();
document.onmousemove = function(in_event)
if (typeof(in_event) == 'undefined')
in_event = event;
domTT_mousePosition = domLib_getEventPosition(in_event);
if (domTT_dragStickyTips && domTT_dragMouseDown)
// }}}
// {{{ domTT_activate()
function domTT_activate(in_this, in_event)
if (!domLib_useLibrary) { return false; }
// make sure in_event is set (for IE, some cases we have to use
if (typeof(in_event) == 'undefined')
in_event = window.event;
var owner = document.body;
// we have an active event so get the owner
if (in_event.type.match(/key|mouse|click|contextmenu/i))
// make sure we have nothing higher than the body element
if (in_this.nodeType && in_this.nodeType != 9)
var owner = in_this;
// non active event
if (!(owner = document.getElementById(in_this)))
owner = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
owner.style.display = 'none';
owner.id = in_this;
// make sure the owner has a unique id
if (!owner.id)
owner.id = '__autoId' + domLib_autoId++;
var tooltip = domTT_tooltips.get(owner.id);
if (tooltip)
if (tooltip.get('eventType') != in_event.type)
if (tooltip.get('type') == 'greasy')
tooltip.set('closeAction', 'destroy');
else if (tooltip.get('status') != 'inactive')
return owner.id;
if (tooltip.get('status') == 'inactive')
tooltip.set('status', 'pending');
tooltip.set('activateTimeout', domLib_setTimeout(function(argv) {
domTT_show(argv[0], argv[1]);
}, tooltip.get('delay'), [owner.id, in_event]));
return owner.id;
// either pending or active, let it be
return owner.id;
// setup the default options hash
var options = new Hash(
'caption', '',
'content', '',
'closeLink', domTT_closeLink,
'parent', document.body,
'position', 'absolute',
'type', 'greasy',
'direction', domTT_direction,
'delay', domTT_activateDelay,
'classPrefix', domTT_classPrefix,
'closeAction', domTT_closeAction,
'lifetime', domTT_lifetime,
'grid', domTT_grid,
'fade', domTT_fade,
'trail', false
// load in the options from the function call
for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i += 2)
// load in predefined
if (arguments[i] == 'predefined')
var predefinedOptions = domTT_predefined.get(arguments[i + 1]);
for (var j in predefinedOptions.elementData)
options.set(j, predefinedOptions.get(j));
// set option
options.set(arguments[i], arguments[i + 1]);
options.set('eventType', in_event.type);
// immediately set the status text if provided
if (options.has('statusText')) {
try { window.status = options.get('statusText'); } catch(e) {}
// if we didn't give content...assume we just wanted to change the
status and return
if (!options.has('content') || options.get('content') == '')
if (typeof(owner.onmouseout) != 'function')
owner.onmouseout = function(in_event) { domTT_mouseout(this,
in_event); };
return owner.id;
options.set('owner', owner);
options.set('id', '[domTT]' + owner.id);
// determine the show delay
options.set('delay', in_event.type.match(/click|mousedown|contextmenu/
i) ? 0 : parseInt(options.get('delay')));
domTT_tooltips.set(owner.id, options);
options.set('status', 'pending');
options.set('activateTimeout', domLib_setTimeout(function(argv) {
domTT_show(argv[0], argv[1]);
}, options.get('delay'), [owner.id, in_event]));
return owner.id;
// }}}
// {{{ domTT_create()
function domTT_create(in_options)
var owner = in_options.get('owner');
// create the tooltip and hide it
var tipObj =
tipObj.style.position = 'absolute';
tipObj.style.left = '0px';
tipObj.style.top = '0px';
tipObj.style.visibility = 'hidden';
tipObj.id = in_options.get('id');
tipObj.className = in_options.get('classPrefix');
if (in_options.get('caption') || (in_options.get('type') == 'sticky'
&& in_options.get('caption') !== false))
// layout the tip with a hidden formatting table
var tipLayoutTable =
tipLayoutTable.style.borderCollapse = 'collapse';
if (domLib_isKonq)
tipLayoutTable.cellSpacing = 0;
var tipLayoutTbody =
var numCaptionCells = 0;
var captionRow =
var captionCell =
captionCell.style.padding = '0px';
var caption =
caption.className = in_options.get('classPrefix') + 'Caption';
caption.style.height = '100%';
if (in_options.get('type') == 'sticky')
var numCaptionCells = 2;
var closeLinkCell =
closeLinkCell.style.padding = '0px';
var closeLink =
closeLink.className = in_options.get('classPrefix') + 'Caption';
closeLink.style.height = '100%';
closeLink.style.textAlign = 'right';
closeLink.style.cursor = domLib_stylePointer;
// merge the styles of the two cells
closeLink.style.borderLeftWidth = caption.style.borderRightWidth =
closeLink.style.paddingLeft = caption.style.paddingRight = '0px';
closeLink.style.marginLeft = caption.style.marginRight = '0px';
if (in_options.get('closeLink').nodeType)
closeLink.innerHTML = in_options.get('closeLink');
closeLink.onclick = function() { domTT_deactivate(owner.id); };
closeLink.onmousedown = function(in_event) { if (typeof(in_event)
== 'undefined') { in_event = event; } in_event.cancelBubble = true; };
var contentRow =
var contentCell =
contentCell.style.padding = '0px';
if (numCaptionCells)
if (domLib_isIE)
contentCell.colSpan = numCaptionCells;
contentCell.setAttribute('colspan', numCaptionCells);
var content =
if (domLib_isIE50)
content.style.height = '100%';
var content = tipObj.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
content.className = in_options.get('classPrefix') + 'Content';
if (in_options.get('content').nodeType)
content.innerHTML = in_options.get('content');
// adjust the width if specified
if (in_options.has('width'))
tipObj.style.width = parseInt(in_options.get('width')) + 'px';
// check if we are overridding the maxWidth
// if the browser supports maxWidth, the global setting will be
ignored (assume stylesheet)
var maxWidth = domTT_maxWidth;
if (in_options.has('maxWidth'))
if ((maxWidth = in_options.get('maxWidth')) === false)
tipObj.style.maxWidth = domLib_styleNoMaxWidth;
maxWidth = parseInt(in_options.get('maxWidth'));
tipObj.style.maxWidth = maxWidth + 'px';
// :HACK: fix lack of maxWidth in CSS for Konq and IE
if (maxWidth !== false && (domLib_isIE || domLib_isKonq) &&
tipObj.offsetWidth > maxWidth)
tipObj.style.width = maxWidth + 'px';
// tooltip floats
if (in_options.get('position') == 'absolute' && !(in_options.has('x')
&& in_options.has('y')))
// determine the offset relative to the pointer
switch (in_options.get('direction'))
case 'northeast':
var offset_x = domTT_offsetX;
var offset_y = 0 - tipObj.offsetHeight - domTT_offsetY;
case 'northwest':
var offset_x = 0 - tipObj.offsetWidth - domTT_offsetX;
var offset_y = 0 - tipObj.offsetHeight - domTT_offsetY;
case 'southwest':
var offset_x = 0 - tipObj.offsetWidth - domTT_offsetX;
var offset_y = domTT_mouseHeight + domTT_offsetY;
case 'southeast':
var offset_x = domTT_offsetX;
var offset_y = domTT_mouseHeight + domTT_offsetY;
// tooltip is fixed
var offset_x = 0;
var offset_y = 0;
in_options.set('trail', false);
in_options.set('offsetX', offset_x);
in_options.set('offsetY', offset_y);
in_options.set('offsetWidth', tipObj.offsetWidth);
in_options.set('offsetHeight', tipObj.offsetHeight);
if (domLib_canFade && typeof(alphaAPI) == 'function')
if (in_options.get('fade') != 'neither')
var fadeHandler = new alphaAPI(tipObj, 50, 50, 100, 0, null, 10);
in_options.set('fadeHandler', fadeHandler);
in_options.set('fade', 'neither');
// setup mouse events
if (in_options.get('trail') && typeof(owner.onmousemove) !=
owner.onmousemove = function(in_event) { domTT_mousemove(this,
in_event); };
if (typeof(owner.onmouseout) != 'function')
owner.onmouseout = function(in_event) { domTT_mouseout(this,
in_event); };
if (in_options.get('type') == 'sticky')
if (in_options.get('position') == 'absolute' &&
if (domLib_isIE)
captionRow.onselectstart = function() { return false; };
// setup drag
captionRow.onmousedown = function(in_event)
{ domTT_dragStart(tipObj, in_event); };
captionRow.onmousemove = function(in_event)
{ domTT_dragUpdate(in_event); };
captionRow.onmouseup = function() { domTT_dragStop(); };
else if (in_options.get('type') == 'velcro')
tipObj.onmouseout = function(in_event) { if (typeof(in_event) ==
'undefined') { in_event = event; } if (!
domLib_isDescendantOf(in_event[domLib_eventTo], tipObj))
{ domTT_deactivate(owner.id); }};
if (in_options.get('position') == 'relative')
tipObj.style.position = 'relative';
if (in_options.get('parent') != document.body)
in_options.set('node', tipObj);
in_options.set('status', 'inactive');
// }}}
// {{{ domTT_show()
function domTT_show(in_ownerId, in_event)
// should always find one since this call would be cancelled if tip
was killed
var tooltip = domTT_tooltips.get(in_ownerId);
var status = tooltip.get('status');
var tipObj = tooltip.get('node');
if (tooltip.get('position') == 'absolute')
if (tooltip.has('x') && tooltip.has('y'))
var mouse_x = tooltip.get('x');
var mouse_y = tooltip.get('y');
else if (!domTT_useGlobalMousePosition || status == 'active' ||
tooltip.get('delay') == 0)
var eventPosition = domLib_getEventPosition(in_event);
var mouse_x = eventPosition.get('x');
var mouse_y = eventPosition.get('y');
var mouse_x = domTT_mousePosition.get('x');
var mouse_y = domTT_mousePosition.get('y');
// we are using a grid for updates
if (tooltip.get('grid'))
// if this is not a mousemove event or it is a mousemove event on
an active tip and
// the movement is bigger than the grid
if (in_event.type != 'mousemove' || (status == 'active' &&
(Math.abs(tooltip.get('lastX') - mouse_x) > tooltip.get('grid') ||
Math.abs(tooltip.get('lastY') - mouse_y) > tooltip.get('grid'))))
tooltip.set('lastX', mouse_x);
tooltip.set('lastY', mouse_y);
// did not satisfy the grid movement requirement
return false;
var coordinates = {'x' : mouse_x + tooltip.get('offsetX'), 'y' :
mouse_y + tooltip.get('offsetY')};
coordinates = domTT_correctEdgeBleed(tooltip.get('offsetWidth'),
tooltip.get('offsetHeight'), coordinates.x, coordinates.y,
domTT_offsetX, domTT_offsetY, tooltip.get('type'));
// update the position
tipObj.style.left = coordinates.x + 'px';
tipObj.style.top = coordinates.y + 'px';
// increase the tip zIndex so it goes over previously shown tips
tipObj.style.zIndex = domLib_zIndex++;
// if tip is not active, active it now and check for a fade in
if (status == 'pending')
// unhide the tooltip
tooltip.set('status', 'active');
tipObj.style.display = '';
tipObj.style.visibility = 'visible';
var fade = tooltip.get('fade');
if (fade != 'neither')
var fadeHandler = tooltip.get('fadeHandler');
if (fade == 'out' || fade == 'both')
if (fade == 'out')
if (fade == 'in' || fade == 'both')
if (tooltip.get('type') == 'greasy' && tooltip.get('lifetime') != 0)
tooltip.set('lifetimeTimeout', domLib_setTimeout(function(argv)
{ domTT_deactivate(argv[0]); }, tooltip.get('lifetime'),
if (tooltip.get('position') == 'absolute')
// }}}
// {{{ domTT_deactivate()
function domTT_deactivate(in_ownerId)
var tooltip = domTT_tooltips.get(in_ownerId);
if (tooltip)
var status = tooltip.get('status');
if (status == 'pending')
// cancel the creation of this tip if it is still pending
tooltip.set('status', 'inactive');
else if (status == 'active')
if (tooltip.get('lifetime'))
var tipObj = tooltip.get('node');
if (tooltip.get('closeAction') == 'hide')
var fade = tooltip.get('fade');
if (fade != 'neither')
var fadeHandler = tooltip.get('fadeHandler');
if (fade == 'out' || fade == 'both')
tipObj.style.display = 'none';
tooltip.set('status', 'inactive');
// unhide all of the selects that are owned by this object
domLib_detectCollisions(tipObj, true);
// }}}
// {{{ domTT_mouseout()
function domTT_mouseout(in_owner, in_event)
if (!domLib_useLibrary) { return false; }
if (typeof(in_event) == 'undefined')
in_event = event;
var toChild = domLib_isDescendantOf(in_event[domLib_eventTo],
var tooltip = domTT_tooltips.get(in_owner.id);
if (tooltip && (tooltip.get('type') == 'greasy' ||
tooltip.get('status') != 'active'))
// deactivate tip if exists and we moved away from the owner
if (!toChild)
else if (!toChild)
try { window.status = window.defaultStatus; } catch(e) {}
// }}}
// {{{ domTT_mousemove()
function domTT_mousemove(in_owner, in_event)
if (!domLib_useLibrary) { return false; }
if (typeof(in_event) == 'undefined')
in_event = event;
var tooltip = domTT_tooltips.get(in_owner.id);
if (tooltip && tooltip.get('trail') && tooltip.get('status') ==
domTT_show(in_owner.id, in_event);
// }}}
// {{{ domTT_addPredefined()
function domTT_addPredefined(in_id)
var options = new Hash();
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i += 2)
options.set(arguments[i], arguments[i + 1]);
domTT_predefined.set(in_id, options);
// }}}
// {{{ domTT_correctEdgeBleed()
function domTT_correctEdgeBleed(in_width, in_height, in_x, in_y,
in_offsetX, in_offsetY, in_type)
var bleedRight;
var bleedBottom;
// for IE in compliance mode, maybe others
if (document.documentElement.clientHeight)
var pageHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
var pageWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
var pageYOffset = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
var pageXOffset = document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
var pageWidth = document.body.clientWidth;
var pageYOffset = window.pageYOffset;
var pageXOffset = window.pageXOffset;
if (domLib_isKonq)
var pageHeight = window.innerHeight;
var pageHeight = document.body.clientHeight;
// we are bleeding off the right, move tip over to stay on page
if ((bleedRight = (in_x - pageXOffset) + in_width - (pageWidth -
domTT_screenEdgePadding)) > 0)
in_x -= bleedRight;
// we are bleeding to the left, move tip over to stay on page
// we don't want an 'else if' here, because if it doesn't fit we will
bleed off the right
if ((in_x - pageXOffset) < domTT_screenEdgePadding)
in_x = domTT_screenEdgePadding + pageXOffset;
// ** top/bottom corrections depends on type, because we can't end up
with the mouse over
// the tip if this is a greasy **
// if we are bleeding off the bottom, flip to north
if ((bleedBottom = (in_y - pageYOffset) + in_height - (pageHeight -
domTT_screenEdgePadding)) > 0) {
if (in_type == 'sticky') {
in_y -= bleedBottom;
in_y -= in_height + (2 * in_offsetY) + domTT_mouseHeight;
// if we are bleeding off the top, flip to south
// we don't want an 'else if' here, because if we just can't fit it,
bleed off the bottom
if ((in_y - pageYOffset) < domTT_screenEdgePadding)
if (in_type == 'sticky')
in_y = domTT_screenEdgePadding + pageYOffset;
in_y += in_height + (2 * in_offsetY) + domTT_mouseHeight;
return {'x' : in_x, 'y' : in_y};
// }}}
// {{{ domTT_isActive()
function domTT_isActive(in_ownerId)
var tooltip = domTT_tooltips.get(in_ownerId);
if (!tooltip || tooltip.get('status') != 'active')
return false;
return true;
// }}}
Remember... True happiness is not getting what you want...
Its wanting what you have got!