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domTT problems

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Oct 16, 2000
Hi there

I have an inherited application that uses domLib.js and domTT.js to produce tooltips. these tooltips have always worked fine until IE7 came along.

I have googled and googled for an answer to my issue, but no joy.

Here is a broken-down html page i am using for testing:

<script type="text/javascript" src="domLib.js"></script> 
<script type="text/javascript" src="domTT.js"></script> 
<a href='javascript:void(0);' onmouseover='return 
makeTrue(domTT_activate(this, event,"statusText","","content","show 
me", ""));'>Click</a> 

Works fine in firefox and IE6 but not IE7

As you can see i have no positioning to conflict, nor am i using an
image, so all threads i have managed to find on google are irrelevent.

Could someone please point me in the right direction for a fix here:

FYI content of js files below:

// {{{ global constants 

 * Global constants (DO NOT EDIT) 

// browsers 
var domLib_userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); 
var domLib_isOpera = domLib_userAgent.indexOf('opera 7') != -1 ? 1 : 
var domLib_isKonq = domLib_userAgent.indexOf('konq') != -1 ? 1 : 0; 
var domLib_isIE = !domLib_isKonq && !domLib_isOpera && 
(domLib_userAgent.indexOf('msie 5') != -1 || 
domLib_userAgent.indexOf('msie 6') != -1); 
var domLib_isIE5up = domLib_isIE; 
var domLib_isIE50 = domLib_isIE && domLib_userAgent.indexOf('msie 
5.0') != -1; 
var domLib_isIE55 = domLib_isIE && domLib_userAgent.indexOf('msie 
5.5') != -1; 
var domLib_isIE5 = domLib_isIE50 || domLib_isIE55; 
var domLib_isIE55up = domLib_isIE5up && !domLib_isIE50; 
var domLib_isIE6up = domLib_isIE55up && !domLib_isIE55; 
var domLib_isGecko = domLib_userAgent.indexOf('gecko') != -1 ? 1 : 0; 

// abilities 
var domLib_useLibrary = domLib_isOpera || domLib_isKonq || 
domLib_isIE5up || domLib_isGecko ? 1 : 0; 
var domLib_canTimeout = !(domLib_isKonq || domLib_isIE50); 
var domLib_canFade = domLib_isGecko || domLib_isIE55up; 

// event variables 
var domLib_eventTarget = domLib_isIE ? 'srcElement' : 'currentTarget'; 
var domLib_eventButton = domLib_isIE ? 'button' : 'which'; 
var domLib_eventTo = domLib_isIE ? 'toElement' : 'relatedTarget'; 
var domLib_stylePointer = domLib_isIE ? 'hand' : 'pointer'; 
// :FIX: bug in Opera that it can't set maxWidth to 'none' 
var domLib_styleNoMaxWidth = domLib_isOpera ? '10000px' : 'none'; 
var domLib_hidePosition = '-1000px'; 
var domLib_scrollbarWidth = 14; 
var domLib_autoId = 1; 
var domLib_zIndex = 100; 

// detection 
var domLib_selectElements; 

var domLib_timeoutStateId = 0; 
var domLib_timeoutStates = new Hash(); 

// }}} 
// {{{ Object.prototype.clone 

Object.prototype.clone = function() 
        var copy = {}; 
        for (var i in this) 
                var value = this[i]; 
                        if (value != null && typeof(value) == 'object' && value != window 
&& !value.nodeType) 
                                // for IE5 which doesn't inherit prototype 
                                value.clone = Object.clone; 
                                copy[i] = value.clone(); 
                                copy[i] = value; 
                        copy[i] = value; 

        return copy; 


// }}} 
// {{{ class Hash() 

function Hash() 
        this.length = 0; 
        this.elementData = []; 
        for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i += 2) 
                if (typeof(arguments[i + 1]) != 'undefined') 
                        this.elementData[arguments[i]] = arguments[i + 1]; 

        this.get = function(in_key) 
                return this.elementData[in_key]; 

        this.set = function(in_key, in_value) 
                if (typeof(in_value) != 'undefined') 
                        if (typeof(this.elementData[in_key]) == 'undefined') 

                        return this.elementData[in_key] = in_value; 

                return false; 

        this.remove = function(in_key) 
                var tmp_value; 
                if (typeof(this.elementData[in_key]) != 'undefined') 
                        tmp_value = this.elementData[in_key]; 
                        delete this.elementData[in_key]; 

                return tmp_value; 

        this.size = function() 
                return this.length; 

        this.has = function(in_key) 
                return typeof(this.elementData[in_key]) != 'undefined'; 


// }}} 
// {{{ domLib_isDescendantOf() 

function domLib_isDescendantOf(in_object, in_ancestor) 
        if (in_object == in_ancestor) 
                return true; 

        while (in_object != document.documentElement) 
                        if ((tmp_object = in_object.offsetParent) && tmp_object == 
                                return true; 
                        else if ((tmp_object = in_object.parentNode) == in_ancestor) 
                                return true; 
                                in_object = tmp_object; 
                // in case we get some wierd error, just assume we haven't gone out 
                        return true; 

        return false; 


// }}} 
// {{{ domLib_detectCollisions() 

// :WARNING: hideList is being used as an object property and is not a 
function domLib_detectCollisions(in_object, in_recover) 
        // no need to do anything for opera 
        if (domLib_isOpera) 

        if (typeof(domLib_selectElements) == 'undefined') 
                domLib_selectElements = document.getElementsByTagName('select'); 

        // if we don't have a tip, then unhide selects 
        if (in_recover) 
                for (var cnt = 0; cnt < domLib_selectElements.length; cnt++) 
                        var thisSelect = domLib_selectElements[cnt]; 

                        if (!thisSelect.hideList) 
                                thisSelect.hideList = new Hash(); 

                        // if this is mozilla and it is a regular select or it is multiple 
and the 
                        // size is not set, then we don't need to unhide 
                        if (domLib_isGecko && (!thisSelect.multiple || thisSelect.size < 

                        if (!thisSelect.hideList.length) 
                                domLib_selectElements[cnt].style.visibility = 'visible'; 


        // okay, we have a tip, so hunt and destroy 
        var objectOffsets = domLib_getOffsets(in_object); 

        for (var cnt = 0; cnt < domLib_selectElements.length; cnt++) 
                var thisSelect = domLib_selectElements[cnt]; 

                // if this is mozilla and not a multiple-select or the multiple 
select size 
                // is not defined, then continue since mozilla does not have an 
                if (domLib_isGecko && (!thisSelect.multiple || thisSelect.size < 0)) 

                // if the select is in the tip, then skip it 
                // :WARNING: is this too costly? 
                if (domLib_isDescendantOf(thisSelect, in_object)) 

                if (!thisSelect.hideList) 
                        thisSelect.hideList = new Hash(); 

                var selectOffsets = domLib_getOffsets(thisSelect); 
                // for mozilla we only have to worry about the scrollbar itself 
                if (domLib_isGecko) 
                        selectOffsets.set('left', selectOffsets.get('left') + 
thisSelect.offsetWidth - domLib_scrollbarWidth); 
                        selectOffsets.set('leftCenter', selectOffsets.get('left') + 
                        selectOffsets.set('radius', Math.max(thisSelect.offsetHeight, 

                var center2centerDistance = 
Math.sqrt(Math.pow(selectOffsets.get('leftCenter') - 
objectOffsets.get('leftCenter'), 2) + 
Math.pow(selectOffsets.get('topCenter') - 
objectOffsets.get('topCenter'), 2)); 
                var radiusSum = selectOffsets.get('radius') + 
                // the encompassing circles are overlapping, get in for a closer 
                if (center2centerDistance < radiusSum) 
                        // tip is left of select 
                        if ((objectOffsets.get('leftCenter') <= 
selectOffsets.get('leftCenter') && objectOffsets.get('right') < 
selectOffsets.get('left')) || 
                        // tip is right of select 
                                (objectOffsets.get('leftCenter') > selectOffsets.get('leftCenter') 
&& objectOffsets.get('left') > selectOffsets.get('right')) || 
                        // tip is above select 
                                (objectOffsets.get('topCenter') <= selectOffsets.get('topCenter') 
&& objectOffsets.get('bottom') < selectOffsets.get('top')) || 
                        // tip is below select 
                                (objectOffsets.get('topCenter') > selectOffsets.get('topCenter') 
&& objectOffsets.get('top') > selectOffsets.get('bottom'))) 
                                if (!thisSelect.hideList.length) 
                                        thisSelect.style.visibility = 'visible'; 
                                thisSelect.hideList.set(in_object.id, true); 
                                thisSelect.style.visibility = 'hidden'; 


// }}} 
// {{{ domLib_getOffsets() 

function domLib_getOffsets(in_object) 
        var originalObject = in_object; 
        var originalWidth = in_object.offsetWidth; 
        var originalHeight = in_object.offsetHeight; 
        var offsetLeft = 0; 
        var offsetTop = 0; 

        while (in_object) 
                offsetLeft += in_object.offsetLeft; 
                offsetTop += in_object.offsetTop; 
                in_object = in_object.offsetParent; 

        return new Hash( 
                'left',                 offsetLeft, 
                'top',                  offsetTop, 
                'right',                offsetLeft + originalWidth, 
                'bottom',               offsetTop + originalHeight, 
                'leftCenter',   offsetLeft + originalWidth/2, 
                'topCenter',    offsetTop + originalHeight/2, 
                'radius',               Math.max(originalWidth, originalHeight) 


// }}} 
// {{{ domLib_setTimeout() 

function domLib_setTimeout(in_function, in_timeout, in_args) 
        if (typeof(in_args) == 'undefined') 
                in_args = []; 

        if (in_timeout == 0) 
                return 0; 

        // must make a copy of the arguments so that we release the reference 
        if (typeof(in_args.clone) != 'function') 
                in_args.clone = Object.clone; 

        var args = in_args.clone(); 

        if (domLib_canTimeout) 
                return setTimeout(function() { in_function(args); }, in_timeout); 
                var id = domLib_timeoutStateId++; 
                var data = new Hash(); 
                data.set('function', in_function); 
                data.set('args', args); 
                domLib_timeoutStates.set(id, data); 

                data.set('timeoutId', setTimeout('domLib_timeoutStates.get(' + id + 
').get(\'function\')(domLib_timeoutStates.get(' + id + ').get(\'args 
\')); domLib_timeoutStates.remove(' + id + ');', in_timeout)); 
                return id; 


// }}} 
// {{{ domLib_clearTimeout() 

function domLib_clearTimeout(in_id) 
        if (domLib_canTimeout) 
                if (domLib_timeoutStates.has(in_id)) 


// }}} 
// {{{ domLib_getEventPosition() 

function domLib_getEventPosition(in_eventObj) 
        var eventPosition = new Hash(); 
        if (domLib_isKonq) 
                eventPosition.set('x', in_eventObj.x); 
                eventPosition.set('y', in_eventObj.y); 
        else if (domLib_isIE) 
                if (document.documentElement.clientHeight) 
                        eventPosition.set('x', in_eventObj.clientX + 
                        eventPosition.set('y', in_eventObj.clientY + 
                // :WARNING: consider case where document.body doesn't yet exist for 
                        eventPosition.set('x', in_eventObj.clientX + 
                        eventPosition.set('y', in_eventObj.clientY + 
                eventPosition.set('x', in_eventObj.pageX); 
                eventPosition.set('y', in_eventObj.pageY); 

        return eventPosition; 


// }}} 
// {{{ makeTrue() 

function makeTrue() 
        return true; 


// }}} 
// {{{ makeFalse() 

function makeFalse() 
        return false; 


// }}}
// {{{ docs <-- this is a VIM (text editor) text fold 

 * DOM Tooltip 0.6.0 
 * Summary: 
 * Allows developers to add custom tooltips to the webpages.  Tooltips 
 * controlled through three style class definitions.  This library 
also detects 
 * collisions against native widgets in the browser that cannot handle 
 * zIndex property.  But this library is even more than that...with 
all the 
 * features it has, it has the potential to replace the need for 
 * entirely as it can embed just about any html inside the tooltip, 
leading to 
 * the possibility of having whole forms or iframes right inside the 
 * other programs!!! 
 * Maintainer: Dan Allen <d...@mojavelinux.com> 
 * License: LGPL 
 * However, if you use this library, you become an official bug 
reporter :) 
 * Please post to my forum where you use it so that I get a chance to 
see my 
 * baby in action.  If you are doing this for commercial work perhaps 
you could 
 * send me a few Starbucks Coffee gift dollars to encourage future 
 * (NOT REQUIRED).  E-mail me for my address. 
 * Homepage: [URL unfurl="true"]http://www.mojavelinux.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=127[/URL] 
 * Freshmeat Project: [URL unfurl="true"]http://freshmeat.net/projects/domtt/?topic_id=92[/URL] 
 * Updated: 2003/02/14 
 * Supported Browsers: Mozilla (Gecko), IE 5.0+, Konqueror, Opera 7 
 * Usage: 
 * All this is required is to put the function call in the event tag 
for an 
 * html element. The status option (for changing the status bar text) 
is only 
 * available through all events, but when used with 'onmouseover' you 
have to 
 * return true so that the browser does not display the link text in 
the status 
 * bar.  To do this, wrap the domTT_activate call in the function 
 * which will just return true, and then prefix it with a 'return' 
 * Example: <a href="index.html" onmouseover="return 
makeTrue(domTT_activate(this, event, 'caption', 'Help', 'content', 
'This is a link with a tooltip', 'statusText', 'Link', 'trial', 
true));">click me</a> 
 * Options: 
 * Each option is followed by the value for that option.  The variable 
 * must be the first parameter, as shown above.  The options avaiable 
 *      predefined (optional, must be first item if used, loads default 
 *      caption (optional) 
 *      content (required) 
 *      closeLink (optional, defaults to domTT_closeLink global setting 
 *      statusText (optional, if used with mouseover must wrap call in 
'return domTT_true()') 
 *      type (optional, defaults to 'greasy' but can be 'sticky' or 
 *      classPrefix (optional, defaults to 'domTT', for changing style 
 *      delay (optional, defaults to global delay value 
 *      parent (optional, defaults to document.body) 
 *      closeAction (optional, defaults to global domTT_closeAction, either 
'hide' or 'remove') 
 *      trail (optional, follow the mouse cursor while tooltip is active) 

// }}} 
// {{{ Settings (editable) 

 * Settings (editable) 
var domTT_offsetX = 0; 
var domTT_offsetY = 2; 
var domTT_direction = 'southeast'; 
var domTT_mouseHeight = 20; 
var domTT_closeLink = 'X'; 
var domTT_screenEdgePadding = 5; 
var domTT_activateDelay = 500; 
var domTT_maxWidth = 300; 
var domTT_useGlobalMousePosition = true; 
var domTT_classPrefix = 'domTT'; 
var domTT_fade = 'neither'; 
var domTT_lifetime = 0; 
var domTT_grid = 0; 
var domTT_closeAction = 'hide'; 
var domTT_dragStickyTips; 
if (typeof(domTT_dragStickyTips) == 'undefined') 
        var domTT_dragStickyTips = false; 


// }}} 
// {{{ Global constants 

 * Global constants (DO NOT EDIT) 
var domTT_predefined = new Hash(); 
var domTT_tooltips = new Hash(); 

// }}} 
// {{{ document.onmousemove 

if (domLib_useLibrary && domTT_useGlobalMousePosition) 
        var domTT_mousePosition = new Hash(); 
        document.onmousemove = function(in_event) 
                if (typeof(in_event) == 'undefined') 
                        in_event = event; 

                domTT_mousePosition = domLib_getEventPosition(in_event); 
                if (domTT_dragStickyTips && domTT_dragMouseDown) 


// }}} 
// {{{ domTT_activate() 

function domTT_activate(in_this, in_event) 
        if (!domLib_useLibrary) { return false; } 

        // make sure in_event is set (for IE, some cases we have to use 
        if (typeof(in_event) == 'undefined') 
                in_event = window.event; 

        var owner = document.body; 
        // we have an active event so get the owner 
        if (in_event.type.match(/key|mouse|click|contextmenu/i)) 
                // make sure we have nothing higher than the body element 
                if (in_this.nodeType && in_this.nodeType != 9) 
                        var owner = in_this; 
        // non active event 
                if (!(owner = document.getElementById(in_this))) 
                        owner = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('div')); 
                        owner.style.display = 'none'; 
                        owner.id = in_this; 

        // make sure the owner has a unique id 
        if (!owner.id) 
                owner.id = '__autoId' + domLib_autoId++; 

        var tooltip = domTT_tooltips.get(owner.id); 
        if (tooltip) 
                if (tooltip.get('eventType') != in_event.type) 
                        if (tooltip.get('type') == 'greasy') 
                                tooltip.set('closeAction', 'destroy'); 
                        else if (tooltip.get('status') != 'inactive') 
                                return owner.id; 
                        if (tooltip.get('status') == 'inactive') 
                                tooltip.set('status', 'pending'); 
                                tooltip.set('activateTimeout', domLib_setTimeout(function(argv) { 
                                        domTT_show(argv[0], argv[1]); 
                                }, tooltip.get('delay'), [owner.id, in_event])); 

                                return owner.id; 
                        // either pending or active, let it be 
                                return owner.id; 

        // setup the default options hash 
        var options = new Hash( 
                'caption',              '', 
                'content',              '', 
                'closeLink',    domTT_closeLink, 
                'parent',               document.body, 
                'position',             'absolute', 
                'type',                 'greasy', 
                'direction',    domTT_direction, 
                'delay',                domTT_activateDelay, 
                'classPrefix',  domTT_classPrefix, 
                'closeAction',  domTT_closeAction, 
                'lifetime',             domTT_lifetime, 
                'grid',                 domTT_grid, 
                'fade',                 domTT_fade, 
                'trail',                false 

        // load in the options from the function call 
        for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i += 2) 
                // load in predefined 
                if (arguments[i] == 'predefined') 
                        var predefinedOptions = domTT_predefined.get(arguments[i + 1]); 
                        for (var j in predefinedOptions.elementData) 
                                options.set(j, predefinedOptions.get(j)); 
                // set option 
                        options.set(arguments[i], arguments[i + 1]); 

        options.set('eventType', in_event.type); 

        // immediately set the status text if provided 
        if (options.has('statusText')) { 
                try { window.status = options.get('statusText'); } catch(e) {} 

        // if we didn't give content...assume we just wanted to change the 
status and return 
        if (!options.has('content') || options.get('content') == '') 
                if (typeof(owner.onmouseout) != 'function') 
                        owner.onmouseout = function(in_event) { domTT_mouseout(this, 
in_event); }; 

                return owner.id; 

        options.set('owner', owner); 
        options.set('id', '[domTT]' + owner.id); 
        // determine the show delay 
        options.set('delay', in_event.type.match(/click|mousedown|contextmenu/ 
i) ? 0 : parseInt(options.get('delay'))); 
        domTT_tooltips.set(owner.id, options); 
        options.set('status', 'pending'); 
        options.set('activateTimeout', domLib_setTimeout(function(argv) { 
                domTT_show(argv[0], argv[1]); 
        }, options.get('delay'), [owner.id, in_event])); 

        return owner.id; 


// }}} 
// {{{ domTT_create() 

function domTT_create(in_options) 
        var owner = in_options.get('owner'); 

        // create the tooltip and hide it 
        var tipObj = 
        tipObj.style.position = 'absolute'; 
        tipObj.style.left = '0px'; 
        tipObj.style.top = '0px'; 
        tipObj.style.visibility = 'hidden'; 
        tipObj.id = in_options.get('id'); 
        tipObj.className = in_options.get('classPrefix'); 

        if (in_options.get('caption') || (in_options.get('type') == 'sticky' 
&& in_options.get('caption') !== false)) 

                // layout the tip with a hidden formatting table 
                var tipLayoutTable = 
                tipLayoutTable.style.borderCollapse = 'collapse'; 
                if (domLib_isKonq) 
                        tipLayoutTable.cellSpacing = 0; 

                var tipLayoutTbody = 

                var numCaptionCells = 0; 
                var captionRow = 
                var captionCell = 
                captionCell.style.padding = '0px'; 
                var caption = 
                caption.className = in_options.get('classPrefix') + 'Caption'; 
                caption.style.height = '100%'; 


                if (in_options.get('type') == 'sticky') 
                        var numCaptionCells = 2; 
                        var closeLinkCell = 
                        closeLinkCell.style.padding = '0px'; 
                        var closeLink = 
                        closeLink.className = in_options.get('classPrefix') + 'Caption'; 
                        closeLink.style.height = '100%'; 
                        closeLink.style.textAlign = 'right'; 
                        closeLink.style.cursor = domLib_stylePointer; 
                        // merge the styles of the two cells 
                        closeLink.style.borderLeftWidth = caption.style.borderRightWidth = 
                        closeLink.style.paddingLeft = caption.style.paddingRight = '0px'; 
                        closeLink.style.marginLeft = caption.style.marginRight = '0px'; 
                        if (in_options.get('closeLink').nodeType) 
                                closeLink.innerHTML = in_options.get('closeLink'); 

                        closeLink.onclick = function() { domTT_deactivate(owner.id); }; 
                        closeLink.onmousedown = function(in_event) { if (typeof(in_event) 
== 'undefined') { in_event = event; } in_event.cancelBubble = true; }; 

                var contentRow = 
                var contentCell = 
                contentCell.style.padding = '0px'; 
                if (numCaptionCells) 
                        if (domLib_isIE) 
                                contentCell.colSpan = numCaptionCells; 
                                contentCell.setAttribute('colspan', numCaptionCells); 

                var content = 
                if (domLib_isIE50) 
                        content.style.height = '100%'; 
                var content = tipObj.appendChild(document.createElement('div')); 

        content.className = in_options.get('classPrefix') + 'Content'; 

        if (in_options.get('content').nodeType) 
                content.innerHTML = in_options.get('content'); 

        // adjust the width if specified 
        if (in_options.has('width')) 
                tipObj.style.width = parseInt(in_options.get('width')) + 'px'; 

        // check if we are overridding the maxWidth 
        // if the browser supports maxWidth, the global setting will be 
ignored (assume stylesheet) 
        var maxWidth = domTT_maxWidth; 
        if (in_options.has('maxWidth')) 
                if ((maxWidth = in_options.get('maxWidth')) === false) 
                        tipObj.style.maxWidth = domLib_styleNoMaxWidth; 
                        maxWidth = parseInt(in_options.get('maxWidth')); 
                        tipObj.style.maxWidth = maxWidth + 'px'; 

        // :HACK: fix lack of maxWidth in CSS for Konq and IE 
        if (maxWidth !== false && (domLib_isIE || domLib_isKonq) && 
tipObj.offsetWidth > maxWidth) 
                tipObj.style.width = maxWidth + 'px'; 

        // tooltip floats 
        if (in_options.get('position') == 'absolute' && !(in_options.has('x') 
&& in_options.has('y'))) 
                // determine the offset relative to the pointer 
                switch (in_options.get('direction')) 
                        case 'northeast': 
                                var offset_x = domTT_offsetX; 
                                var offset_y = 0 - tipObj.offsetHeight - domTT_offsetY; 
                        case 'northwest': 
                                var offset_x = 0 - tipObj.offsetWidth - domTT_offsetX; 
                                var offset_y = 0 - tipObj.offsetHeight - domTT_offsetY; 
                        case 'southwest': 
                                var offset_x = 0 - tipObj.offsetWidth - domTT_offsetX; 
                                var offset_y = domTT_mouseHeight + domTT_offsetY; 
                        case 'southeast': 
                                var offset_x = domTT_offsetX; 
                                var offset_y = domTT_mouseHeight + domTT_offsetY; 
        // tooltip is fixed 
                var offset_x = 0; 
                var offset_y = 0; 
                in_options.set('trail', false); 

        in_options.set('offsetX', offset_x); 
        in_options.set('offsetY', offset_y); 
        in_options.set('offsetWidth', tipObj.offsetWidth); 
        in_options.set('offsetHeight', tipObj.offsetHeight); 
        if (domLib_canFade && typeof(alphaAPI) == 'function') 
                if (in_options.get('fade') != 'neither') 
                        var fadeHandler = new alphaAPI(tipObj, 50, 50, 100, 0, null, 10); 
                        in_options.set('fadeHandler', fadeHandler); 
                in_options.set('fade', 'neither'); 

        // setup mouse events 
        if (in_options.get('trail') && typeof(owner.onmousemove) != 
                owner.onmousemove = function(in_event) { domTT_mousemove(this, 
in_event); }; 

        if (typeof(owner.onmouseout) != 'function') 
                owner.onmouseout = function(in_event) { domTT_mouseout(this, 
in_event); }; 

        if (in_options.get('type') == 'sticky') 
                if (in_options.get('position') == 'absolute' && 
                        if (domLib_isIE) 
                                captionRow.onselectstart = function() { return false; }; 

                        // setup drag 
                        captionRow.onmousedown = function(in_event) 
{ domTT_dragStart(tipObj, in_event);  }; 
                        captionRow.onmousemove = function(in_event) 
{ domTT_dragUpdate(in_event); }; 
                        captionRow.onmouseup = function() { domTT_dragStop(); }; 
        else if (in_options.get('type') == 'velcro') 
                tipObj.onmouseout = function(in_event) { if (typeof(in_event) == 
'undefined') { in_event = event; } if (! 
domLib_isDescendantOf(in_event[domLib_eventTo], tipObj)) 
{ domTT_deactivate(owner.id); }}; 

        if (in_options.get('position') == 'relative') 
                tipObj.style.position = 'relative'; 

        if (in_options.get('parent') != document.body) 

        in_options.set('node', tipObj); 
        in_options.set('status', 'inactive'); 


// }}} 
// {{{ domTT_show() 

function domTT_show(in_ownerId, in_event) 
        // should always find one since this call would be cancelled if tip 
was killed 
        var tooltip = domTT_tooltips.get(in_ownerId); 
        var status = tooltip.get('status'); 
        var tipObj = tooltip.get('node'); 

        if (tooltip.get('position') == 'absolute') 
                if (tooltip.has('x') && tooltip.has('y')) 
                        var mouse_x = tooltip.get('x'); 
                        var mouse_y = tooltip.get('y'); 
                else if (!domTT_useGlobalMousePosition || status == 'active' || 
tooltip.get('delay') == 0) 
                        var eventPosition = domLib_getEventPosition(in_event); 
                        var mouse_x = eventPosition.get('x'); 
                        var mouse_y = eventPosition.get('y'); 
                        var mouse_x = domTT_mousePosition.get('x'); 
                        var mouse_y = domTT_mousePosition.get('y'); 

                // we are using a grid for updates 
                if (tooltip.get('grid')) 
                        // if this is not a mousemove event or it is a mousemove event on 
an active tip and 
                        // the movement is bigger than the grid 
                        if (in_event.type != 'mousemove' || (status == 'active' && 
(Math.abs(tooltip.get('lastX') - mouse_x) > tooltip.get('grid') || 
Math.abs(tooltip.get('lastY') - mouse_y) > tooltip.get('grid')))) 
                                tooltip.set('lastX', mouse_x); 
                                tooltip.set('lastY', mouse_y); 
                        // did not satisfy the grid movement requirement 
                                return false; 

                var coordinates = {'x' : mouse_x + tooltip.get('offsetX'), 'y' : 
mouse_y + tooltip.get('offsetY')}; 
                coordinates = domTT_correctEdgeBleed(tooltip.get('offsetWidth'), 
tooltip.get('offsetHeight'), coordinates.x, coordinates.y, 
domTT_offsetX, domTT_offsetY, tooltip.get('type')); 

                // update the position 
                tipObj.style.left = coordinates.x + 'px'; 
                tipObj.style.top = coordinates.y + 'px'; 

                // increase the tip zIndex so it goes over previously shown tips 
                tipObj.style.zIndex = domLib_zIndex++; 

        // if tip is not active, active it now and check for a fade in 
        if (status == 'pending') 
                // unhide the tooltip 
                tooltip.set('status', 'active'); 
                tipObj.style.display = ''; 
                tipObj.style.visibility = 'visible'; 

                var fade = tooltip.get('fade'); 
                if (fade != 'neither') 
                        var fadeHandler = tooltip.get('fadeHandler'); 
                        if (fade == 'out' || fade == 'both') 
                                if (fade == 'out') 

                        if (fade == 'in' || fade == 'both') 

                if (tooltip.get('type') == 'greasy' && tooltip.get('lifetime') != 0) 
                        tooltip.set('lifetimeTimeout', domLib_setTimeout(function(argv) 
{ domTT_deactivate(argv[0]); }, tooltip.get('lifetime'), 

        if (tooltip.get('position') == 'absolute') 


// }}} 
// {{{ domTT_deactivate() 

function domTT_deactivate(in_ownerId) 
        var tooltip = domTT_tooltips.get(in_ownerId); 
        if (tooltip) 
                var status = tooltip.get('status'); 
                if (status == 'pending') 
                        // cancel the creation of this tip if it is still pending 
                        tooltip.set('status', 'inactive'); 
                else if (status == 'active') 
                        if (tooltip.get('lifetime')) 

                        var tipObj = tooltip.get('node'); 
                        if (tooltip.get('closeAction') == 'hide') 
                                var fade = tooltip.get('fade'); 
                                if (fade != 'neither') 
                                        var fadeHandler = tooltip.get('fadeHandler'); 
                                        if (fade == 'out' || fade == 'both') 
                                        tipObj.style.display = 'none'; 

                        tooltip.set('status', 'inactive'); 
                        // unhide all of the selects that are owned by this object 
                        domLib_detectCollisions(tipObj, true); 


// }}} 
// {{{ domTT_mouseout() 

function domTT_mouseout(in_owner, in_event) 
        if (!domLib_useLibrary) { return false; } 

        if (typeof(in_event) == 'undefined') 
                in_event = event; 

        var toChild = domLib_isDescendantOf(in_event[domLib_eventTo], 
        var tooltip = domTT_tooltips.get(in_owner.id); 
        if (tooltip && (tooltip.get('type') == 'greasy' || 
tooltip.get('status') != 'active')) 
                // deactivate tip if exists and we moved away from the owner 
                if (!toChild) 
        else if (!toChild) 
                try { window.status = window.defaultStatus; } catch(e) {} 


// }}} 
// {{{ domTT_mousemove() 

function domTT_mousemove(in_owner, in_event) 
        if (!domLib_useLibrary) { return false; } 

        if (typeof(in_event) == 'undefined') 
                in_event = event; 

        var tooltip = domTT_tooltips.get(in_owner.id); 
        if (tooltip && tooltip.get('trail') && tooltip.get('status') == 
                domTT_show(in_owner.id, in_event); 


// }}} 
// {{{ domTT_addPredefined() 

function domTT_addPredefined(in_id) 
        var options = new Hash(); 
        for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i += 2) 
                options.set(arguments[i], arguments[i + 1]); 

        domTT_predefined.set(in_id, options); 


// }}} 
// {{{ domTT_correctEdgeBleed() 

function domTT_correctEdgeBleed(in_width, in_height, in_x, in_y, 
in_offsetX, in_offsetY, in_type) 
        var bleedRight; 
        var bleedBottom; 
        // for IE in compliance mode, maybe others 
        if (document.documentElement.clientHeight) 
                var pageHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; 
                var pageWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth; 
                var pageYOffset = document.documentElement.scrollTop; 
                var pageXOffset = document.documentElement.scrollLeft; 
                var pageWidth = document.body.clientWidth; 
                var pageYOffset = window.pageYOffset; 
                var pageXOffset = window.pageXOffset; 
                if (domLib_isKonq) 
                        var pageHeight = window.innerHeight; 
                        var pageHeight = document.body.clientHeight; 

        // we are bleeding off the right, move tip over to stay on page 
        if ((bleedRight = (in_x - pageXOffset) + in_width - (pageWidth - 
domTT_screenEdgePadding)) > 0) 
                in_x -= bleedRight; 

        // we are bleeding to the left, move tip over to stay on page 
        // we don't want an 'else if' here, because if it doesn't fit we will 
bleed off the right 
        if ((in_x - pageXOffset) < domTT_screenEdgePadding) 
                in_x = domTT_screenEdgePadding + pageXOffset; 

        // ** top/bottom corrections depends on type, because we can't end up 
with the mouse over 
        // the tip if this is a greasy ** 
        // if we are bleeding off the bottom, flip to north 
        if ((bleedBottom = (in_y - pageYOffset) + in_height - (pageHeight - 
domTT_screenEdgePadding)) > 0) { 
                if (in_type == 'sticky') { 
                        in_y -= bleedBottom; 
                        in_y -= in_height + (2 * in_offsetY) + domTT_mouseHeight; 

        // if we are bleeding off the top, flip to south 
        // we don't want an 'else if' here, because if we just can't fit it, 
bleed off the bottom 
        if ((in_y - pageYOffset) < domTT_screenEdgePadding) 
                if (in_type == 'sticky') 
                        in_y = domTT_screenEdgePadding + pageYOffset; 
                        in_y += in_height + (2 * in_offsetY) + domTT_mouseHeight; 

        return {'x' : in_x, 'y' : in_y}; 


// }}} 
// {{{ domTT_isActive() 

function domTT_isActive(in_ownerId) 
        var tooltip = domTT_tooltips.get(in_ownerId); 
        if (!tooltip || tooltip.get('status') != 'active') 
                return false; 
                return true; 


// }}}

Remember... True happiness is not getting what you want...

Its wanting what you have got!
Your source is incomplete, and you have not posted any HTML code to match the TT code. You have also failed to describe your problem.

Perhaps you could post a cut-down test harness, or a URL to the page in question, as well as a description of the problem you are having?

Hope this helps,

Coedit Limited - Delivering standards compliant, accessible web solutions

[tt]Dan's Page [blue]@[/blue] Code Couch
Ouch! a hammering... [hammer]

Welllll..... I did say i inherited this app didnt I? Also i did pop up some "bare bones" html for a test situ, it was just weee but it showed my problem. This program is a mess it took me ages to find which code the app was using.

I'll read that article thanks feherke, for future reference. I personally have never used browser detection in my own scripts.

BillyRay, you know i looked around for a newer version yesterday and didnt find it but have this morning, thank you that fixes my issue [cheers]

Remember... True happiness is not getting what you want...

Its wanting what you have got!
That's excellent news.

As a rule, I always try and upgrade to the latest version of any piece of software I have a problem with... although my only exception to that rule is web browsers, which I like to keep a spread of versions of (for testing and development purposes).


Coedit Limited - Delivering standards compliant, accessible web solutions

[tt]Dan's Page [blue]@[/blue] Code Couch
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