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doesn't see sound card 1

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Nov 20, 2003
Ive just got Mandrake Linux and i've been ignoring the fact that it didn't recognize my sound card for about a month now because i didn't have a power plug for my speakers.

But anyway now i want to install my soundcard and i don't know how. Mandrake doesn't come with sndconfig like RedHat does and the help files arent helpful. It doesn't appear in the harddrake program's list or in /devs/ so but it shows up in bios when i boot so i have no idea what to do. Any help would be appreciated.



what soundcard? Have you tried a /sbin/modprobe <card identifier> ?

There's no place like
try and install sndconfig and then see what happens.

if that doesn't help, get alsa. sndconfig was not useful for me, i downloaded alsa, followed the steps stated in the site and made my souncard work.

On a Mandrake box, try &quot;draksound&quot;.

Just for the sake of it, as root from a bash prompt, type &quot;drak<tab>&quot; and get a list of most of the Mandrake configuration tools.

It's an Opti plugnplay card. It did work through windows so the card is good. It shows up when bios is booting under the plugnplay section but modprobe doesn't work cause i cant find the right IRQ and it doesn't show up in /proc/whateverthatthingyisthatlistsalltheirqs

i do have an rpm for sndconfig but it want's me to downgrade a good deal of my programs for some weird reason (it didn't come with mandrake, it came with a RedHat cd set that the 2nd disk corrupted preventing me from installing the system itself but i kept it for the rpm's)

I'll try the draksound thingy though, thanks.

PS: Maybe its just a sound card epidemic - 3 other people i kno are having probs with there sound cards =)


I actually believe that Mandrake had some sort of issue with a sound card, but I might be making that up. More useful would be your output from 'lsmod' and post it here. It is possible that you do not have sound support or module support for that card loaded. 'sndconfig' won't do much good if you're stuck without driver services.

Surfinbox.com Business Internet Services - National Dialup, DSL, T-1 and more.
I tried sndconfig and draksound, neither of them worked. (oh yeah, stupid me didn't realize that sndconfig was included on my mandrake cd with a mdk suffix that somehow makes it incompatible with the redhat version thats why i was having trouble installing it) draksound told me to use sndconfig, then sndconfig found the card but gave me a &quot;no such device&quot; error. then i switched around some jumpers on the card (pnp enable/disable and ide enable/disable) but then sndconfig wouldn't even detect it. i also tried a soundblaster card from another computer (both cards are known to be working w/windows) and it wouldn't be found either. I think it may be something wrong w/my bios. I have award bios w/pnp extension or something like that and there's a section called pnp/pci configuration with a thing that says &quot;PNP OS Installed&quot; (YES/NO) it was set to YES from when windows was installed so i changed it but it didn't seem to have any effect. Im not sure what it meant anyway. Btw, the card doesn't show up on an IRQ, i don't know whether that matters or not.

the output from '$ lsmod' is as follows:

bash: lsmod: command not found

oh well i guess that didn't work

Im stuck for now so maybe i'll twiddle with bios or the jumpers or something until someone else posts. Thanks for the help

PS: sndconfig has drivers in its listing for both cards


> bash: lsmod: command not found

Did you run this as root?

lsmod is normally in a /sbin/ directory, so it is not available to normal users.
I thought i could run stuff in /sbin/ but im a noob so ill try it again...

k, im stupid... here it is:

Module Size Used by Not tainted
msdos 7404 0 (autoclean)
vfat 11820 0 (autoclean)
fat 37944 0 (autoclean) [msdos vfat]
isofs 27988 1 (autoclean)
zlib_inflate 21156 0 (autoclean) [isofs]
nls_iso8859-1 3516 1 (autoclean)
udf 90464 0 (autoclean)
soundcore 6276 0 (autoclean)
af_packet 14952 0 (autoclean)
ide-cd 33856 1 (autoclean)
cdrom 31648 0 (autoclean) [ide-cd]
floppy 55132 0
supermount 15296 2 (autoclean)
usb-storage 72952 0 (unused)
scsi_mod 103284 0 [usb-storage]
usb-ohci 20584 0 (unused)
usbcore 72992 1 [usb-storage usb-ohci]
rtc 8060 0 (autoclean)
ext3 59916 2
jbd 38972 2 [ext3]

note that there is a mad16 sound driver installed for the card but it doesn't work. it installed when sndconfig found the opti but gave me a device not found error on the test thingy it does and i dont know how to remove it. i have no idea if that is affecting the situation or not

sry for the bad formatting but idunno how to fix it


I don't see a card-specific driver loaded. You have sound support, but you don't have &quot;soundcore&quot; loaded and you don't have a soundcard driver loaded.

You should try
'lsmod soundcore'
'lsmod mad16' or MAD16

That may do it. Then run sndconfig again

Surfinbox.com Business Internet Services - National Dialup, DSL, T-1 and more.
cant do it right now but i can tell you my sound card does not show up in any hardware lists anywhere

The Mad16 one is loaded but it gives me a device not found error every time i boot


I don't know much about Mandrake, I am running SuSE
( The sound setup is called &quot;alsaconf&quot; )

A few of other commands that might give you a clue:

&quot;lspci&quot; ( lists pci hardware info )
&quot;pnpdump&quot; ( scans plug-and-play hardware )
&quot;isapnp&quot; ( configures hardware according to &quot;pnpdump&quot; output )

lspci doesn't do anything but list the hardware, so it should be
safe to run it even if you don't understand it.

I remember using the pnpdump/isapnp thing to set up a sound card once upon a time.
All I remember is it worked, but there was certainly nothing &quot;user-friendly&quot; about it.
It took reading the man pages six or seven times before I even had a clue.
Thanks. I'll do some manpage reading and post again with the results.


Right now it's Sound Blaster Vibra. I pretty much gave up on the opti cause i didn't feel like switching cards again and i know SoundBlaster has been reported to work on Linux and i kno the opti works under Windows. Unfortunately, i have no idea how to remove the Mad16 drivers and i cant boot regular linux now without going through failsafe. I kno its probably some basic command that i dont kno just cause im a noob, but i need to kno what it is


hey alright it worked
here's what i did:
# pnpdump -c > pnp
# isapnp pnp
# modprobe sb io=0x330 mpu_io=0x220 irq=5 //(don't quote me on that)
that makes it run until you restart
to get it to do it automatically you have to modify your /etc/modules.conf file and /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit and copy pnp to /etc/isapnp.conf
if anybody needs to kno what to modify let me know and i'll post instructions for you

Thanks ppc386, here's a *

PS: you were right about it not being user-freindly


Ok im back.
Just installed MDK 10.0 (Community) and prev. solution won't work. It seems to have installed some version of ALSA or OSS w/the system.
this is what i remember from browsing /proc


# ls /proc
# ls /proc/asound
# cat /proc/asound/cards
-- No soundcards found --
# cat /proc/asound/devices
# cat /proc/asound/version
Advanced Linux Sound Architecture ...


i noticed a service called sound loading during boot, so i checked out /init.d/sound (?maybe /rc.d/??) and it in effect checked for alsactl, and if it didn't exist assumed oss was the sound provider and used aumix instead. I didn't have alsactl installed yet so i installed it and checked what happenned. After reboot i did
# pnpdump -c | isapnp -
# modprobe sb irq=5 dma=1 io=0x220 mpu_io=0x330
to get the sound modules and /dev/dsp running but it had no effect on /proc/asound/cards
then i ran sndconfig and selected the right options for my card so it would modify /etc/modules.conf to make sb load at boot, then modified rc.sysinit to start the isapnp devices (it checks if isapnp exists, if /proc/isapnp exists, and if /etc/isapnp.conf exists then runs "isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf" to configure devices - for some reason /proc/isapnp exists when i boot, so i took out the -a ! -f /proc/isapnp from that line)
after i did that, /proc/asound/ dissappeared but the service "sound" still shows status as running:

# service sound status
Sound is running

Im out of ideas, anybody else got some?

^|^ |-| /-\ |\| |< $ in advance


echo `fortune fortunes`$'\b in bed.'
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Sorry, forgot to check alsa site before asking here. working fine now, needed to modprobe snd-sb16 and maybe not modprobe sb

anyway, check out if you're having trouble


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