I'm running SK99 in Window 2000 but would love to have the option to search the Contact Log which SK95 had. Does SK98 have this option? Will it run under Win2K? Would I be able to export my SK99 data and import it into SK98?
Dear Esmonde,
Yes it does work in Windows 2000.
Yes Sidekick98 does have the same option Ctrl+F and then tick the relevant box.
See FAQ1a to download Sidekick98 Install Sidekick98 in a different Directory to 99
You don't need to Export your Data to Sidekick98 you just use the same Default Working Directory by selecting it in 98(Tools|Preferences|General|Default Working Directory)
that you use in 99 and then open the same Cardfile in 98.
WARNING Do not run the 2 at the same time and you can have the Same Cardfile open in both!
I'm downloading SK98 now and will have a go. I didn't know that the SK99 file format was backwards compatible with 98 and am also delighted to know that the search options include the Contact Log. I can never understand why Starfish removed that very useful option in SK99. When I queried them on it some years ago they tried to convince me it was the result of customer requests.
Glad to be of help Esmonde,
Further to your comment: I know that was their stance
I think we should be asking more why they didn't develop Internet Sidekick which allows you to Export all your Data Including your Contact log as a Field to ASCII.Txt AND then re-import it back with the rest of the fields into the Contact Log.
Plus you could synchronise Files too...across a network I believe...
They removed both from Sidekick98.
and did not even mention why.
Regards Jim
Towards the end of supporting sk99 starfosj created a version of sk99 that did contain the old log. I downloaded it and voila- all my log inputs showed up. Still I feel like sk99 is more unstable than sk98 w/ patch. I love the software and use if for all kinds of simple database management. However, I don't use the sk calendar.
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