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Does RAm corrupt... 4

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Jul 29, 2001
Hi I fully understand RAM and its uses, however id like to know more about RAM. Does it go bad, can it corrupt, why, how do you test bad RAM.
Reason Im asking is the last two PC I had a hardtime troubleshooting resulted in a change of RAM and everything fixed its self.

Thanks for all you insight,..
Yes , it can go bad. When it is bad, it can create all sorts of problems.
As components age on the M/B, timing can change. If you have boderline memory, it can start failing from the M/B problems.
You can also get corroded contacts at the memory module which gives an indication of bad memory. Reseating the memory several times will sometimes break through the corrosion and allow the original memory to function. Ed Fair

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I have had good luck using a pencil eraser to gently clean the contacts on memory modules and expansion cards.


Please let me know if the sugestion(s) I provide are helpful to you.
Sometimes your the windshield... Sometimes your the bug.

Used to use the pink pearl eraser on stuff. but now use rough cloth. Just wipe the module on an old pair of kacki pants. Ed Fair

Any advice I give is my best judgement based on my interpretation of the facts you supply.

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The absolute best thing i have found to clean contacts on memory sticks is a dollar bill. simply fold it around your finger, and rub five or six times one way down the contacts. doesnt leave any residue like an eraser, and i can almost guarantee that you have one at all times.
Yeah So all thats real neat to know, but is there a way to test RAM, other than thinking the problem lies with the RAm. Any kind of tests one can do....

Thanks for al the great insight

In answer to your question, yes, RAM does go bad, more often then thought. It will corrupt software, and sometimes that is most difficult to detect. The most common reason for RAM to go bad is not being grounded/static free when handling sticks, they are sensitive in the extreme to it. Yes, it can be tested, but the machines are expensive, and not found in 90% of shops around. Most companies that do have one, will charge you a fairly stiff charge for the service, as it takes a while for it to complete. More often then not, with memory prices as low as they are now, if you suspect a bad stick, replace it. This is all from my personal experience, and only intended as advice, take it or leave it as you will.
The following free DOS based utility can (amongst other things) do tests on RAM memory, of course this assumes that the computer will boot into DOS and run the tests without crashing, also from my limited experience, passing the tests is on guarantee that the RAM is good, but failing the tests is probably a fair indication that the RAM is bad.

The utility is called "troubleshooter.exe", and is available for free download at:

Another utility is "Testmem" available from:

There are probably lots more utility’s out there, but the definitive test is to put a different stick of ram in the PC and see if it fixes the problem.
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