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Does not Support Wireless calendar sync ?? 2

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Sep 28, 2002
When i try to sync w/ the Intellsync wireless calendar, i get this error,
"Your mail server does not support wireless syncronization"

I have already setup the calendar w/ the blackberry wireless option in the Pim/Intelsync
is there something else missing ??
Ok...it's been a long time since I've dealt with BlackBerry configurations (we use GoodLink instead) but if I recall correctly:

1. Make sure that your BlackBerry desktop software is version 2.1 or higher.
2. First synch your Outlook calendar to your BlackBerry using the regular calendar sync (not the wireless one). When that is done, change the setting to "MS Outlook Wireless Sync" and sync again.

I recall that when I enabled the wireless synchronization and ran Intellisync, I'd get a pop-up message "your existing handheld calendar will be erased and will be replaced with your Outlook calendar" that I had to click "OK" to.
The wireless calendar sync will only work if the user has been setup on a BlackBerry Enterprise Server (vers. 2.1 or above, I believe). If you are using the desktop redirector for this user or have not added them to the BES, the wireless calendar synchronization will not work. Also, there is an option on the BES to allow/disallow the wireless sync (I don't know what that option is off the top of my head).

- mfortunato
The Bes Server requires that the service be set up, which may mean an upgrade to the BES server software.
There is also an update needed to CDO.DLL on the Exchange server for this function to work. The details are in the Blackberry site. The update comes from Microsoft.

We are running Window 2003 Std. Server, w/Exchange 2003, w/BES 3.6.2, Outlook is not installed and the CDO.dll has been upgraded/registered. I do not have an option to install "BlackBerry Service #2", when I go to the "Modify" option (page 100 of the Exchange 2003 install manual). Any suggestions? This is to install the Calendar Synchronization features.

Make sure that in MS Outlook new mails are submitted into your exchange mailbox, not a personal folder. (Go to Tools/eMail-Accounts and make sure that in the lower left corner your Mailbox ist selected).


I have the the Outlook set to the exchange server (not a PST). Turns out, I did not have to install a second service, but managed it from the PIM on the users desktop... changing from Outlook to "Wireless Sync.", interestingly, the Calendar from BB1 (Black Berry 1) will send calendar changes to the exchange server, but not the reverse (changes made in Outlook calendar note showing up on the BB1). The communication arrows appear (indicating that the BB1 is receiving data), but no changes are applied. I have setup BB2 with all of the exact same setting, and it works fine... syncs e-mail, calendar both ways. I uninstalled the desktop software (even deleting from REG per BB KB article 002206), installed the software on another desktop, tried it with Outlook 2003 (rather than XP), yet it still does not make changes to the Outlook calendar. Maybe if I put the BB under my car tire....
Have your BES Admin to either reset or remove and re-add the user account on the BES server. Some of your main personal BB settings and configurations are stored on the BES server not on the PC or regestry.
Hello, i'm experiencing similar problems to what pschwarz has. wireless calender sync isnt working after everything i've tried. So far i have
1) reinstalled the desktop manager on the client pc following that knowledge base article
2) deleted the user and readded on BES (multple times)
3) tried another email account on another mail server on BES
4) tried every possible combination of wireless sync (import, export and sync)
5) verified CDO.dll is the correct version

every time i add something to my calender i see the little communication arrows, but when i check the calender i see nothing. I recieve emails fine on the BB. about the only thing i havent done is upgrade BES, but i'm hesitant of doing that unless i have too.
well i figured it out. the BB just needed turned off and on and it started working. Although sometimes when i update my calender it doesnt update the BB until i receive an email.

Kevin, Excellent... Mine worked out with the other accounts that I setup (total of 5 hand helds). Sometimes, the calendar will take 2-4 minutes (rare) to update... this may be a area specific data reception issue, rt. our service provider to the hand held ("T-Mobile").
KevinNNI, I'll be trying that trick with 2 units I have in the field that are experiencing that same "partial" or "one-way" sync problem.

It never occured to me to ask whether or not the users had ever turned off their devices...

I'll post back when I have more info.

Just to complete my last post...

The resolution stated above works.

I had the problem on 5 blackberries (2 different cellular providers). Shutting off the divices and turning them back on again solved the problem for all of them.
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