I have a form with 3 individual sub forms on it using A2003, Split FE/BE.
The Main form:
frmPurLinesMake2 bound to qryPurlinesMake2
field: qryPurLinesMake2.Quantity
field: TheFinQty (=[frmProductionYield2].[Form]![Sum2])
The 3 subs are:
frmProductionYield2 is bound to qryProductionYield2(provides part mfg history)
frmXIsMadeFrom3 is bound to qryXIsMadeFrom3 (provides Qty calculations)
frmIsMadeFrom2 is bound to qryIsMadeFrom2 (provides a list of items to make the part from)
When I open my form qryXIsMadeFrom3 looks to the main form for Quantity and TheFinQty and gets the value for Quantity but some how misses [TheFinQty]. If I Requery the forms it still misses TheFinQty, yet the form fills in completely when I exit from design mode or if I run the source Query after the form is Open.
Help and Guidance appreciated
Follows is qryXIsMadeFrom3
The Main form:
frmPurLinesMake2 bound to qryPurlinesMake2
field: qryPurLinesMake2.Quantity
field: TheFinQty (=[frmProductionYield2].[Form]![Sum2])
The 3 subs are:
frmProductionYield2 is bound to qryProductionYield2(provides part mfg history)
frmXIsMadeFrom3 is bound to qryXIsMadeFrom3 (provides Qty calculations)
frmIsMadeFrom2 is bound to qryIsMadeFrom2 (provides a list of items to make the part from)
When I open my form qryXIsMadeFrom3 looks to the main form for Quantity and TheFinQty and gets the value for Quantity but some how misses [TheFinQty]. If I Requery the forms it still misses TheFinQty, yet the form fills in completely when I exit from design mode or if I run the source Query after the form is Open.
Help and Guidance appreciated
Follows is qryXIsMadeFrom3
SELECT tblIsMadeFrom.ItemNo2, tblIsMadeFrom.Ln, tblItems.PName, tblItems.ExtLine, tblIsMadeFrom.QtyPer, tblIsMadeFrom.QtyYie, tblIsMadeFrom.Rank, tblIsMadeFrom.ItemNoFk, tblIsMadeFrom.mfID, (([Forms]![frmPurlinesMake2]![Quantity])*1) AS FullQty, ((([FullQty])/([QtyYie]))*1) AS FullQtyRequires, (([Forms]![frmPurlinesMake2]![TheFinQty])*1) AS CompletedParts, ((([FullQty])-([CompletedParts]))*1) AS StillNeed, ((([StillNeed])/([QtyYie]))*1) AS StillNeedRequires
FROM tblIsMadeFrom LEFT JOIN tblItems ON tblIsMadeFrom.ItemNo2 = tblItems.ItemID
WHERE (((tblIsMadeFrom.ItemNoFk)=[Forms]![frmPurLinesMake2]![ItemID]))
ORDER BY tblIsMadeFrom.Ln, tblIsMadeFrom.Rank;