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Does any one find this to be an issue?

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Mar 30, 2005
Let's say you put an IPO in a very busy environment where all incoming calls at answered by a person or two. For years these operators have answered the calls and screened every call to about 60 people out of a 200 station company.

The way the IPO works, there is now way to initate a voice announce call during a screened transfer that:

1 really does voice announce on transfer
2 doesn't get transfered to the speakerphone if the call is accepted when you play with the shortcodes
3 doesn't require a dial direct button or code in front of dialing the target.

The problem is that there is no way on the IPO to press transfer, voice announce the call, and hang up and transfer with ring!

This has been an issue for as long as I have worked on IPO and I feel it needs to be addressed. I am curious how others handle a scenario such as this.

That is something that needs fixed. Also voice interrupt on busy and turn off abbreviated ring(like Magix).

Well I learned something today I can go home now.
I rarely, and I mean very rarely, have an operator use transfer. Park is a far superior solution.

1) It frees up the CA on the operator console.
2) It allows the called party to answer at their leisure.
3) It can be retrieved from any location (e.g. I want to walk to a conference room to answer instead of my desk).
4) Recalling a park is no more complex than using drop and recall to abandon an assisted transfer.
5) The process of locating an individual not at their desk is far less complex with park than with multiple assisted transfers. (i.e. park, intercom, then page vs transfer+extension+drop then page then transfer+extension+transfer)

The number key strokes required to park the call are usually within 1 stroke or less as compared to an transfer (transfer+4 digit extension+transfer vs transfer+park sc(e.g. *7210)+transfer).

Kyle Holladay
ACA-I, ACA Call Center, ACS-I, ACS-M, TIA-CTP, MCP/MCTS Exchange 2007
ACE Implement: IP Office

"If it worked the way it should you wouldn't need me
Park is our standard set up, however not everyone wants to do it that way. Let's face it, we use park because the tranfer with announce works like crap.

Avaya, make it work like every other system.

Here here ronromano!

I've been complaining about this for a year to no avail. I have a law firm that just put an IPO in last summer and the lack of this operation has caused me a ton of grief.

I wound up making them use HFAI and they had to accept the fact that when the transfer completes, the call is live with no ringing. I thought I'd seen it all until I had a building full of unhappy lawyers, because "their old system did it".

I have discovered all sorts of little frustrating "gotchas" on this system since 1.1.25. This is just another one I guess.
I don't see the problem, are there really customers overseas were all calls are going to a operator? Awesome, in the most configs i see the majority of the calls are going strait to a group like admin, sales or whatever. ACD is what it is called and IP Office can do that very well.

This does not mean there is no operator but this person can do a lot more than only answer the phone and transferring calls.
Who cares if you see the problem. It only matters the the client sees the problem. I'll ask you again intrigrant because you seem not to want to answer this question, how many end users do you interface with?

In my job its 100% of the time and they don't care what you think! They don't care what I think. They only care that it ain't workin' the way it used to and they don't like it.

I guess Intrigrant is in Europe, Ron you are in north America,
I worked on both sides and I can tell you that europe is a totally different world in customer behavior then North America is and I am still getting used to that difference after 9 years here

Joe W.

FHandw., ACA, ACS

If you can't be good, be good at it!

End user should stop complaining
If they want it the way is was then they should stay on the old system !
Every system works different and that is also the case with the ipoffice
Overhere we use transfer alot instead of park wich is barely used
And yes we are in europe

But maybe you can do a feature request but then on the american locale only :)

ACA - Implement IP Office
ACS - Implement IP Office
ACA - Voice Services Management
Women and cats can do as they please and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea!
I did answer the question, in europe the average customer does not want/need full operator functionality.
We do not implement how we (engeneering ) think how it should be done but the customer decides and they are quite demanding.
Another thing our customers hate are these call appearance buttons, these give us really a pain in the butt explaining that it is the way it works with Avaya.
The goal of our customers is to get the phone answered as quickly as possible and most preferrebly by a person who can handle the call without endless transfers. It saves time, time is money and the caller will be more satisfied.
You still didn't answer the question. You must feel right at home with all those stars because you're living in outer space if you think this isn't an issue.

Tlpeter I don't care where you are I only care where my customer is. I don't care if you understand why, where, how, when or who wants it. It is a big issue in high call volume environments who answer with a live person. Plain and simple.

If clients don't do it that way in Europe, lucky you. But please don't tell me what features matter here in the US. Over here you'd get eaten up.

You start a tread with a question and people answer that question and you do not want to hear it
I don't care that you do not want to hear
I think you are a bit rude but that is only my opinion

ACA - Implement IP Office
ACS - Implement IP Office
ACA - Voice Services Management
Women and cats can do as they please and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea!
I am in the US and i have put in a good number of these systems with anywhere from 5 to 200 users and i have not had anyone ask for this or complain about not having it.

Kevin Wing
ACA- Implement IP Office
Carousel Industries

You and I must be in the same boat!

Most of my customers here in the upper midwest think it is still 1956 and insist on live operators who handle all incoming calls. It's just the way they are and no amount of retraining seems to change their minds, so we need to try to conform the system to their ideal for their business model. After all, thats what we are selling them, a solution to help them with their business. For me, if no one notices or thinks about the phones, it means the system is performing properly and I have it installed correctly. When these seemingly unimportant operational differences pop up, it can be really disruptive for the customer and stressful for me as I try to engineer a work around.

This whole thing kind of shows that this system has many wonderful and modern features, but some of the telephony basics have been overlooked.

Good luck Ron!
The point is people here seem to spend far to much time trying to make the IP Office work like "our old phone system". If you wanted your old phone system you should have kept your old phone system. If there aren't enough new features, better features, enhanced capabilities in the IP Office to justify it without it working 100% like your old phone system then you really should not have purchased it.

Windows XP doesn't work like Windows 2000, Office 2007 doesn't work like Office 2003, my new car doesn't have the buttons nor the same features as my old car. You tell me when you have purchased something new that works exactly like something old and what you'll really be giving me an example of why you should have simply kept the something old.

If I can't show the customer the advantages outweigh the shortcomings then I really am not very good at what I do.

Kyle Holladay
ACA-I, ACA Call Center, ACS-I, ACS-M, TIA-CTP, MCP/MCTS Exchange 2007
ACE Implement: IP Office

"If it worked the way it should you wouldn't need me
Sense when do programmers decide what features are available in a phone system? Customers and end users should be consulted. As an end user I see no reason that a hunt group should not act like a hunt group.

This system has all kinds of annoying things that make no sense no matter which continent you are on. If the programmers are making the decisions, now I know why.

For example:

No name in caller ID in Phone Manager Pro. Do you speak or think only in binary binary?

The 2 seconds of voicemail that are skipped on playback. (Hello this is a bug, not a feature.)

No ability to move contacts between tabs in Speed Dials.

No easy way to change passwords on conference bridges without giving the keys to the kingdom to a receptionist.

I could go on and on. This is a nice system but it seriously lacks polish. It's like the programmers are making all the decisions. Now I get it. Can somebody please give the contact info for their boss? Someone needs to have a human being sit down and use this system so it works for humans, not preprogrammed robots with no needs or wants beyond binary and mountain dew.


My point is if every phone system had the same features why would anyone ever buy a new one. For that matter why would I ever buy an IP Office when so many other systems are far less expensive. And if you don't like the IP Office why are you even reading this forum?

The customer has to realize that every system is unique, just like every PC doesn't come with a DVD burner and every car doesn't come with a navigation system. Heck not every toaster can handle 4 pieces of bread at a time! Wouldn't you think that would be a default option in this day and age? You buy based on the features you need and I'm not likely to buy a 2 slot toaster with a family of five. I just can't understand the argument that we, as professionals, aren't able to make a customer understand that point. And even worse why are we selling a customer a system that doesn't fit their needs!

I'm sorry that PMP doesn't recognize CLI name information, heck neither does VMP and for that matter VMP doesn't even know the user's extension it only knows their username. I'm sorry that you can't drag and drop names between tabs. You can absolutely change the PIN for a conference bridge without logging into the system but I'll let you figure that one out on your own. Let's just all throw PassageWay on our PC and use a Magix.

Kyle Holladay
ACA-I, ACA Call Center, ACS-I, ACS-M, TIA-CTP, MCP/MCTS Exchange 2007
ACE Implement: IP Office

"If it worked the way it should you wouldn't need me
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