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Technical User
Oct 18, 2004
Hi All,
I have read multiple posts on this site about the above listed method, but I cannot get mine to work, what do I have incorrect?

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "Internet Eligibility Information", _
            FileName, 1, "Sheet2"

I get an error message saying
Microsoft Jet database engine could not find the object 'Sheet2'.

I have checked in the VBA editor of the Excel Sheet and the name is Sheet2, I also tried renaming the sheet to EligiblityInformation and referencing it that way, I still got the same error. Any suggestions?
Sheet2 is not a range.
You need something like:
Or perhaps "[Sheet2]"

Hope This Helps, PH.
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I tried both of your suggestions, I still get the same error. What the X%!@*($???

I tried both suggestions and lupins46's suggestion worked. Could we see your variable definitions? Also, what version of Access are you using, I saw in Help (see below) that the range syntax may not work with 97 or 2000...

"Range: The range of cells to import or link. Leave this argument blank to import or link the entire spreadsheet. You can type the name of a range in the spreadsheet or specify the range of cells to import or link, such as A1:E25 (note that the A1..E25 syntax does not work in Microsoft Access 97 or Microsoft Access 2000). If you are importing from or linking to a Microsoft Excel version 5.0, 7.0, Excel 8.0, or Excel 2000 worksheet, you can prefix the range with the name of the worksheet and an exclamation point; for example, Budget!A1:C7."
Hi VhbuiA,
Here is the code from my module:
Option Compare Database

Public Function GetFile()
Dim fDialog As Office.FileDialog

Set fDialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
With fDialog
    'Do not allow user to make multiple selections
    .AllowMultiSelect = False
    'Set the title of the dialog box
    .Title = "Please select Internet Transaction file to import."
    'Clear out the current filters, and add our own.
    .Filters.Add "Excel", "*.xls"
    'show the dialog box.  If the .show method returns "true", the user picked
    'at least one file.  If the .show method is "false", the user clicked Cancel.
    If .Show = True Then
        For Each varFile In .SelectedItems
        'This pulls out the file name from the path string
        Dim ReversedString As String, FirstFind As Integer
        ReversedString = StrReverse(varFile)
        FirstFind = InStr(ReversedString, "\") - 1
        FileName = StrReverse(Mid(ReversedString, 1, FirstFind))
            'Import Cobra Transactions
            DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "Internet Transactions", _
            FileName, 1
          [red][b]  'Import Eligiblity Information
            DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "Internet Eligibility Information", _
            FileName, 1, "[Sheet2]A1:G200"[/b][/red]
            'IMport Other Information
    MsgBox ("You either hit Cancel or did not select a file.  Please try again.")
End If
End With

End Function

Public Function ImportRecords()
'Specify the OLE DB provider and open the connection
Set cnnCobraInternet = CurrentProject.Connection
strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT SSN FROM [Internet Transactions]"
Set rstDistinctSSN = New ADODB.Recordset
rstDistinctSSN.Open strSQL, cnnCobraInternet, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

'assign rstDistinctSSN as the recordset for the form
'Me.Recordset = rstDistinctSSN

'Loop through all SSN's in in Internet Transaction table
Do While rstDistinctSSN.EOF = False
    MsgBox rstDistinctSSN!SSN
    'create second recordset for plan information
    Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
    strSQL2 = "Select Travis_Code from [qrycontrol3] where SSN = " & "'" & rstDistinctSSN!SSN & "'"
    rs.Open strSQL2, cnnCobraInternet, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
    If rs.EOF = True Then
    MsgBox "There are not records to import"
    End If
    'loop through inner recordset, update the staging table with plan information
    Do While rs.EOF = False
        Dim intcount As Integer
        intcount = rs.RecordCount
        MsgBox rs.AbsolutePosition & " of " & intcount
        Select Case rs.AbsolutePosition
            Case 1 'Plan 1 insert only
                ins = "Insert into tblStagingTable(SSN,Control,Rel_Code,Plan_1,[Note Date],Elig_1)values " & _
                "(" & rstDistinctSSN!SSN & ", 3 ,'COVERAGE','" & rs!Travis_Code & "'," & _
                "" & Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd") & ", 'A')"
                cnnCobraInternet.Execute ins
            'All subsequent plans will be udpate statements
            Case 2
                ins = "update tblStagingTable set Plan_2 = '" & rs!Travis_Code & "', Travis_Elig_Code = 'A' where SSN = '" & rstDistinctSSN!SSN & "'"
                   Debug.Print (ins)
                   cnnCobraInternet.Execute ins
            Case 3
                ins = "update tblStagingTable set Plan_3 = '" & rs!Travis_Code & "',ELIG_3= 'A' where SSN = '" & rstDistinctSSN!SSN & "'"
                   cnnCobraInternet.Execute ins
            Case 4
                ins = "update tblStagingTable set Plan_4 = '" & rs!Travis_Code & "',ELIG_4= 'A' where SSN = '" & rstDistinctSSN!SSN & "'"
                   cnnCobraInternet.Execute ins
            Case 5 'Dental?
                ins = "update tblStagingTable set Plan_5 = '" & rs!Travis_Code & "',ELIG_5= 'A' where SSN = '" & rstDistinctSSN!SSN & "'"
                   cnnCobraInternet.Execute ins
            Case 6
                ins = "update tblStagingTable set Plan_6 = '" & rs!Travis_Code & "',ELIG_6= 'A' where SSN = '" & rstDistinctSSN!SSN & "'"
                   cnnCobraInternet.Execute ins
            Case 7
                ins = "update tblStagingTable set Plan_7 = '" & rs!Travis_Code & "',ELIG_7= 'A' where SSN = '" & rstDistinctSSN!SSN & "'"
                   cnnCobraInternet.Execute ins
            Case 8
                ins = "update tblStagingTable set Plan_8 = '" & rs!Travis_Code & "',ELIG_8= 'A' where SSN = '" & rstDistinctSSN!SSN & "'"
                   cnnCobraInternet.Execute ins
            Case 9
                ins = "update tblStagingTable set Plan_9 = '" & rs!Travis_Code & "',ELIG_9= 'A' where SSN = '" & rstDistinctSSN!SSN & "'"
                   cnnCobraInternet.Execute ins
        'If there is over 9 plans, reject this record
            Case Else
              MsgBox "There are to many plans listed for SSN " & "rstDistinctSSN!SSN" & _
                "This record will not be imported"
        End Select
    'Clear recordset
    Set rs = Nothing
'Insert Employee information
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryControl1"
End Function
I also tried that, here is the message I receive:
Run-time error '3011':
The microsoft jet database engine could not find hte object 'Sheet2$a1:g200'. Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name correctly.

The path name is correct becuase I can import the first sheet in this workbook, the name is correct becuae I checked it in the VBA editor within the workbook and copied the name of the sheet from there.

Change it to "Sheet2!A1:G200"...the brackets around the sheet name doesn't work for me.

Also, just a suggestion to shorten your code a bit, you can replace acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9 to 8 (means the same).

Hope that helps!
I renamed my Sheet EligiblityInformation, in my code I put

Now the 2nd tab of the workbook imports. Thanks to everyone who replied
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