The db will have about ten users. I am doing this in stages, so I will definitely be adding & modifying forms and reports. If I don't split - I can just import the new forms and reports into the db on the network. If I do split it, then I'll have to import them from each of the user's machines right? Not splitting seems easier since as of right now I don't necessarily need to split it for any particular reason. The users do not need to design their own forms, queries, or reports, And I haven't yet tested it on the network and have no idea how fast or slow it will run. I don't know if there is a right or wrong answer but I would appreciate your opinions. Also, is it recommended that I import forms and reports rather than copying and pasting?
Thanks So Much! and I appreciate all the help I've gotten thus far,
Thanks So Much! and I appreciate all the help I've gotten thus far,