I just took over a network. Right now our ISP host the dns,
the internal & external domain name is totally different.
I want to host our own external DNS.
I created DNS server in DMZ, using that new server, external client (testing) could access my web, mail and ftp. Then when I want to add dns zone in our internal DNS, I noticed in Internal DNS Cache that all of our hosts for external domain show their DMZ IP addresses, which is good because there is no loop but I'm so confused how come I can see the SOA (from our ISP in cache) and why i see DMZ address not external address?
Shoud I create a zone for my dmz servers in internal dns, clean the cache?
I just took over a network. Right now our ISP host the dns,
the internal & external domain name is totally different.
I want to host our own external DNS.
I created DNS server in DMZ, using that new server, external client (testing) could access my web, mail and ftp. Then when I want to add dns zone in our internal DNS, I noticed in Internal DNS Cache that all of our hosts for external domain show their DMZ IP addresses, which is good because there is no loop but I'm so confused how come I can see the SOA (from our ISP in cache) and why i see DMZ address not external address?
Shoud I create a zone for my dmz servers in internal dns, clean the cache?