i have a mainform with a subform.
I have set a Dlookup on a Combobox to fill a textbox. The Dlook works when i just run the SubForm, but when i run this Subform in the Mainform i get the following error:
The Subform contains the following code:
frmJobs is the name of the Subform.
How do i get this Subform to work in the MainForm ?
Thanks for any input,
There are no stupid Questions -- just stupid People
i have a mainform with a subform.
I have set a Dlookup on a Combobox to fill a textbox. The Dlook works when i just run the SubForm, but when i run this Subform in the Mainform i get the following error:
Run-time error '64479':
The expression you entered as a query parameter produced this error: 'The object
doesn't contain the Automation object 'Forms!frmJobs!Job.''
The Subform contains the following code:
Private Sub Combo18_Change()
Dim varOmschrijving
varOmschrijving = DLookup("[Onderwerp]", "Table Onderwerp", "[Job] = Forms![frmJobs]![Job]")
If (Not IsNull(varOmschrijving)) Then Me![Omschrijving] = varOmschrijving
End Sub
frmJobs is the name of the Subform.
How do i get this Subform to work in the MainForm ?
Thanks for any input,
There are no stupid Questions -- just stupid People