I am using a dll which allows me to create files containing both images and data about the images. I don't get an error when I run my program. However, when I go to view the files in a special viewer, it won't show a particular section. So, something is wrong with the way that I am entering the fields. If anyone has any ideas, I would so appreciate it. I am getting a little desperate. I am using Borland Builder 2009.
Here is my code:
It is the controlled extension (addCE) part that is not showing up. And here is some of the virtual code from the dll, in case that sheds some light.
Here is my code:
HINSTANCE hNitfDLL = LoadLibrary( "C:\\Documents and Settings\\Lab1\\My Documents\\RAD Studio\\Projects\\TWriteNitf2.dll" );
if(hNitfDLL == 0)
typedef void* (*pCreateFunc)(); // DLL function typedefs
pCreateFunc pfnCreate; // pointer to DLL "create" func
pfnCreate = reinterpret_cast<pCreateFunc>(GetProcAddress(hNitfDLL, "_CreateTWriteNitf21Instance"));
TMainIFace *nitf = static_cast<TMainIFace *>(pfnCreate());
TTextIFace *text = nitf->AddText();
char szbuf[] = "my nitf text block";
text->AddData(szbuf, strlen(szbuf));
TImageIFace * img = nitf->AddImage();
AnsiString strimg = imageNames->Strings[j];
img->AddJpeg("C:\\Documents and Settings\\Lab1\\My Documents\\My Pictures\\AllenMtn.jpg",JCS_YCbCr,736,648);
//File Header
TBaseHeaderIFace * fileHdr = nitf->Header();
fileHdr->SetField("FTITLE", FTITLE.c_str(),FTITLE.Length());
//Image Header
TImageHeaderIFace * imgHdr = img->Header();
imgHdr->SetField("IDATIM", dateTime.c_str());
imgHdr->SetField("ICORDS", "G");
//Controlled Extension Subheader
TControlledExtensionIFace * ceHdr = imgHdr->AddCE();
AnsiString nitfName = "TestNitf" + AnsiString(j)+ ".ntf";
delete nitf;
It is the controlled extension (addCE) part that is not showing up. And here is some of the virtual code from the dll, in case that sheds some light.
class TBaseHeaderIFace;
typedef struct
TBaseHeaderIFace const *Header;
char FieldName[10];
char FieldValue[300];
char FieldDesc[300];
} TError;
class TBaseHeaderIFace
virtual const char* ToString() const = 0;
virtual unsigned int Size() = 0;
virtual bool SetField(const char* AField, const char* AValue, unsigned int ASize = 0) = 0;
virtual bool SetField(const char* AField, unsigned int AValue) = 0;
virtual char* GetFieldValue(const char* AField, char* AValue) = 0;
virtual int GetFieldValueInt(const char* AField) = 0;
virtual unsigned int GetFieldSize(const char* AField) = 0;
virtual TEntry GetField(const char* AField) = 0;
virtual TEntry GetField(unsigned int AIndex) = 0;
virtual unsigned int GetNumFields() const = 0;
virtual bool Validate() = 0;
virtual void Clear() = 0;
virtual THdrType Type() const = 0;
virtual TNITFFormat Version() = 0;
virtual unsigned int GetNumErrors() const = 0;
virtual TError ErrorList(unsigned int A) const = 0;
virtual void SetObject(void *AObj) = 0;
virtual void* GetObject() = 0;
class TCEBaseHeaderIFace;
class TUDCEBaseHeaderIFace;
class TControlledExtensionIFace : virtual public TBaseHeaderIFace
virtual TControlledExtensionIFace& operator=(const TControlledExtensionIFace& Hdr) = 0;
virtual bool LoadXML(const char* ACEName) = 0;
virtual void LoadStr(char* ACE, unsigned int ASize) = 0; //using LoadStr disallows any
virtual void Delete() = 0;
virtual void SetParent(TCEBaseHeaderIFace* const AParent) = 0;
virtual TCEBaseHeaderIFace *const GetParent() = 0;
class TCEBaseHeaderIFace : virtual public TBaseHeaderIFace
virtual TControlledExtensionIFace* const AddCE() = 0;
virtual void DeleteCE(TControlledExtensionIFace* const ACE) = 0;
virtual unsigned int CEListSize() = 0;
virtual TControlledExtensionIFace* const CEList(unsigned int Ai) = 0;
virtual void SetCELengths() = 0;