I've had this server in production for near 4 years.
It recently started completely locking up. No blue screen, just locked. When it happens, the "internal health LED" on the front turns amber, and the "CPU 1 Error LED" lights.
The problem is intermittant, and various diagnostics all show everything as fine. The only error that is logged is a basic "ASR Detected by System ROM". (automated system recovery).
My question is, would you think that this is nearly certain to be a CPU failure such that replacing the CPU would solve the problem? Or is that CPU error light not such a conclusive indicator? I can't see any other path, but I don't want to start dumping money chasing an unknown problem if I can help it.
Thanks for any insight!
It recently started completely locking up. No blue screen, just locked. When it happens, the "internal health LED" on the front turns amber, and the "CPU 1 Error LED" lights.
The problem is intermittant, and various diagnostics all show everything as fine. The only error that is logged is a basic "ASR Detected by System ROM". (automated system recovery).
My question is, would you think that this is nearly certain to be a CPU failure such that replacing the CPU would solve the problem? Or is that CPU error light not such a conclusive indicator? I can't see any other path, but I don't want to start dumping money chasing an unknown problem if I can help it.
Thanks for any insight!