I wonder if anyone has come across this? I have a simple report in Crystal 8.5 which uses running totals and then uses these in a formula. The report counts clients in different categories at each office, the office being selected by means of a parameter.
The report runs fine in Crystal 8.5 on my local machine but when I publish it via the RDC it runs OK for 3 of the 4 office parameters but when run for the 4th gives the following error:
CRAXDRT Error Occurred on Server 2147191678 Division by zero.
The parameter which causes it to fail results in one of the running totals {#RTotalX} being zero so I used the following formula in case this was the problem;
If not IsNull({#RTotalX}) and {#RTotalX} <> 0 then
{#RTotalX}+{#RTotalY} else {#RTotalY}
However this did not fix the problem. Has anyone any ideas??
The report runs fine in Crystal 8.5 on my local machine but when I publish it via the RDC it runs OK for 3 of the 4 office parameters but when run for the 4th gives the following error:
CRAXDRT Error Occurred on Server 2147191678 Division by zero.
The parameter which causes it to fail results in one of the running totals {#RTotalX} being zero so I used the following formula in case this was the problem;
If not IsNull({#RTotalX}) and {#RTotalX} <> 0 then
{#RTotalX}+{#RTotalY} else {#RTotalY}
However this did not fix the problem. Has anyone any ideas??