I may be being a little bit stupid here, but I am trying to distribute a vb5 application including ado. I have tried all the microsoft proceedures to do so, but I keep getting an error;
file not found: error 5
and when I run the program I get the following error;
Run-error error 430
Class does'nt support Automation.
The only problem I can think of is that my setup program is not installing the mdac_typ.exe (version 2.7) on the target machine. When I check for files such as msado15.dll on the target machine which should have been installed when the setup program is run, I can't find them. Below I have included the code that I placed in the QueryUnload event of the frmSetup1.frm file.
Could anyone tell me if I have commented/uncommented the correct lines so that it will install mdac_typ.exe on the target machine; I should also mention that I create my setup up program on a single directory on my computer and then copy all the setup files onto another computer, where I am trying to install the application. Anyway here is the code;
'Variable used to string path and EXE together.
Dim progname As String
'Global gstrDestDir As String 'dest dir for application files
'gstrDestDir is defined earlier in basSetup1.bas
'Uncommenting the line below hides the file on the user's machine.
'This may be desired if it will be left on the user's machine after
'the install. Note, the application's Uninstall routine will remove
'this file, though.
SetAttr gstrDestDir & "MDAC_TYP.exe", vbHidden
'All the calls below invoke MDAC Setup in a Quiet mode, meaning no
'choices or options for the user to select or choose, "Setup.exe /Q".
'The first two methods provide a minimum of a standard setup
'background and thermometer bar window showing the progress of the
'install. The first install methods are the most user-friendly.
'When setup is called with "/Q0" it exits with a Message box
'notifying the user it completed successfully. It also tells the
'user if it is necessary to reboot the system to complete the
'installation and gives the choice to reboot now or later.
SetAttr gstrDestDir & "MDAC_TYP.exe", vbHidden
'Setup called with "/Q1" is the same as "/Q0" but exits without any
'notification to the user that it installed successfully. It also
'does not provide any notification that it is about to reboot the
'system - if necessary.
progname = gstrDestDir & "mdacrdst.exe /q /c:" & Chr(34) & _
"setup.exe /Q1" & Chr(34) & ""
'When called with "/QT", almost everything is hidden and almost zero
'feedback is given to the user that an install is occurring or when
'it is finished. This method is probably the least favorable.
'progname = gstrDestDir & "mdac_typ.exe /q /c:" & Chr(34) & _
"setup.exe /QT" & Chr(34) & ""
'Spawns the MDAC installation.
Shell progname, vbNormalFocus
many thanx
file not found: error 5
and when I run the program I get the following error;
Run-error error 430
Class does'nt support Automation.
The only problem I can think of is that my setup program is not installing the mdac_typ.exe (version 2.7) on the target machine. When I check for files such as msado15.dll on the target machine which should have been installed when the setup program is run, I can't find them. Below I have included the code that I placed in the QueryUnload event of the frmSetup1.frm file.
Could anyone tell me if I have commented/uncommented the correct lines so that it will install mdac_typ.exe on the target machine; I should also mention that I create my setup up program on a single directory on my computer and then copy all the setup files onto another computer, where I am trying to install the application. Anyway here is the code;
'Variable used to string path and EXE together.
Dim progname As String
'Global gstrDestDir As String 'dest dir for application files
'gstrDestDir is defined earlier in basSetup1.bas
'Uncommenting the line below hides the file on the user's machine.
'This may be desired if it will be left on the user's machine after
'the install. Note, the application's Uninstall routine will remove
'this file, though.
SetAttr gstrDestDir & "MDAC_TYP.exe", vbHidden
'All the calls below invoke MDAC Setup in a Quiet mode, meaning no
'choices or options for the user to select or choose, "Setup.exe /Q".
'The first two methods provide a minimum of a standard setup
'background and thermometer bar window showing the progress of the
'install. The first install methods are the most user-friendly.
'When setup is called with "/Q0" it exits with a Message box
'notifying the user it completed successfully. It also tells the
'user if it is necessary to reboot the system to complete the
'installation and gives the choice to reboot now or later.
SetAttr gstrDestDir & "MDAC_TYP.exe", vbHidden
'Setup called with "/Q1" is the same as "/Q0" but exits without any
'notification to the user that it installed successfully. It also
'does not provide any notification that it is about to reboot the
'system - if necessary.
progname = gstrDestDir & "mdacrdst.exe /q /c:" & Chr(34) & _
"setup.exe /Q1" & Chr(34) & ""
'When called with "/QT", almost everything is hidden and almost zero
'feedback is given to the user that an install is occurring or when
'it is finished. This method is probably the least favorable.
'progname = gstrDestDir & "mdac_typ.exe /q /c:" & Chr(34) & _
"setup.exe /QT" & Chr(34) & ""
'Spawns the MDAC installation.
Shell progname, vbNormalFocus
many thanx