I had a customer that moved out of their space rather suddenly. I got the call to come to the new location and install the system, wiring, paging, yata yata. No problem so far.
Customer has 3 lines all ring on all phones. They also have an AA that answers after 4 rings. Very basic greeting. Dial the extension you want or leave a message.
So they tell me they had a loudbell hooked up that rang when all three lines would ring. No problem there. I hook it up to an ext port. Program the lines to ring done. They then say that's great but when someone goes through the AA and dials 15 the bell would ring differently so they would know it was a call ringing the EXT and not an incoming line ringing.
There is a phone on 15 the extension dialed from the AA. I have tried the aux port under the set, tried a splitter in the port on the card. I can't for the life of me get the bell to ring differently between an intercom call or a line rining. I can't get access to the other building to see how it was wired. I guess I could try all the spare xt's till I get it?
Customer has 3 lines all ring on all phones. They also have an AA that answers after 4 rings. Very basic greeting. Dial the extension you want or leave a message.
So they tell me they had a loudbell hooked up that rang when all three lines would ring. No problem there. I hook it up to an ext port. Program the lines to ring done. They then say that's great but when someone goes through the AA and dials 15 the bell would ring differently so they would know it was a call ringing the EXT and not an incoming line ringing.
There is a phone on 15 the extension dialed from the AA. I have tried the aux port under the set, tried a splitter in the port on the card. I can't for the life of me get the bell to ring differently between an intercom call or a line rining. I can't get access to the other building to see how it was wired. I guess I could try all the spare xt's till I get it?