I have a table where swf files are stored as binary data. I can't seem to read and display the flash file. I would appreciate if someone could provide a link or let me know the code to read and display a flash file from sql server.
I haven't worked with flash before. having said that displaying BLOBs is a common task so the principles should be the same.
A similar task is reading images/pdfs from a db to display on screen. In this instance you would read the data from the db into a btye[] array.
then load the byte[] array into a stream.
then write the stream into an Image object (or change the content headers for PDF and write the stream).
I would assume it would be the same for flash. If there is a Flash object in .Net it would be very simple. If not it may get complex. you'll need to add the flash object/syntax to the aspx file. then read the stream into that object. One potential issue here is you want the data to be interepted as flash data and not literal HTML.
Thanks for that. there is an image file (xxx.ashx) which receives the id for that image and downloads the binary data. To view it, I just use <img src='xxx.ashx?Id=1'>, so I assume if I use the flash code (codebase etc) and use the same logic above, this might work out!
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