Well, I'm quite new to Tcl/Tk. I'm developping a soft designed to follow edges in a sequence of pictures and I chose Tcl/Tk to make the GUI. I display the images in a canvas, as I have to draw lines over them (the edges). I have no problem to load the first picture and initialize the edge, but when i run the sequence, the canvas seems not to be refreshed : I only see the last picture, and the first picture remains in the window during the whole sequence. Here's the code used to display the next picture:
where .img is an image I've created before with
Thanks for your help!!
.img configure -file $nom
wm title . "$nom"
pack .canvas
where .img is an image I've created before with
image create photo .img -file $fichier
set height [image height .img]
set width [image width .img]
.canvas configure -height $height -width $width
wm title . "$fichier"
set id_image [.canvas create image 0 0 -image .img -anchor nw]
Thanks for your help!!