I am trying to display a popup alert before the redirect. The page redirects but I can't get the popup to display, but if I do a Response.End instead of Response.Redirect after the alert it displays.
If someone could show me what I'm doing wrong I'd sure appreciate it.
Thank you,
I am trying to display a popup alert before the redirect. The page redirects but I can't get the popup to display, but if I do a Response.End instead of Response.Redirect after the alert it displays.
if trim(session("TEST 123") = "Y") and (DB_RsCmd("PRIMARY_VENDOR") = "ABCD") then
Response.Write("<script>alert(TEST 123 dealers can only enter TEST 123 data. Please contact your administrator.');</script>")
response.redirect("TEST 123_restart.asp")
end if
If someone could show me what I'm doing wrong I'd sure appreciate it.
Thank you,