I have a listbox where selected items that include 3 fields (
ClassRank, ClassNumber, ClassDescription) are added in order for me to re-order them:
I have being able to get code working to move items up and down within the listbox.
However, when the item is moved only the first of the 3 fields are visible. How do I get all three fields to be displayed in the new position?
ClassRank, ClassNumber, ClassDescription) are added in order for me to re-order them:
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strAdd As String
Dim columnCount As Integer
Dim i As Integer
columnCount = List12.columnCount
For Each varItem In List12.ItemsSelected
For i = 0 To columnCount - 1
If strAdd = "" Then
strAdd = List12.Column(i, varItem)
strAdd = strAdd & ";" & List12.Column(i, varItem)
End If
Next i
List14.RowSourceType = "value list"
List14.AddItem strAdd
strAdd = ""
Next varItem
I have being able to get code working to move items up and down within the listbox.
Dim sText As String
Dim iIndex As Variant
Dim selection() As Integer
Dim n, topSelection As Integer
' save the indexes of the selected items,
' they will be deselected after the first removal
For Each iIndex In List14.ItemsSelected
ReDim Preserve selection(0 To n)
selection(n) = iIndex
n = n + 1
'loop through all the selected indexes
'this will also ensure you will only proceed if there is a selected item
For n = LBound(selection) To UBound(selection)
'save items text and items indexvalue
sText = List14.Column(0, selection(n))
If selection(n) <= topSelection Then 'index topSelection is top item which can't be moved up!
MsgBox ("Can not move item '" & sText & "' up any higher.")
topSelection = topSelection + 1
'first remove item from old position
List14.RemoveItem selection(n)
'place item back on new position
List14.AddItem sText, selection(n) - 1
'change the index of the selected value to the new index (for reselection)
selection(n) = selection(n) - 1
End If
'loop through the selection again to reselect
For n = LBound(selection) To UBound(selection)
List14.Selected(selection(n)) = True
However, when the item is moved only the first of the 3 fields are visible. How do I get all three fields to be displayed in the new position?