I'm attempting to replace the logic board on a 500GB Hitachi Deskstar hard drive, model HDT725050VLA360 (0A33437BA20290S71). I can't figure out how to disconnect the board from the cable that leads to the inside of the drive. It's a white connector into which four leads (that are soldered to the logic board) enter. I can't figure out if the leads are permanently attached to the connector (meaning I would have to desolder the leads from the logic board) or if that white connector is a socket. It's got tabs of all sorts surrounding it, and if it is a connector, I'm stumped as to what combination of pressure on which tabs would release it. A photo of the connector is at:
[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.michaelmalak.com/HitachiDeskstarLogicBoardConnector.jpg[/url]
[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.michaelmalak.com/HitachiDeskstarLogicBoardConnector.jpg[/url]