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Nov 26, 2001

I found some info on how to setup a disclaimer with exch 5.5. The problem is that we have some pop clients. Setting up a disclaimer involves changing the routing settings. Is there perhaps another way to sert up a disclaimer message for e-mail.



I am currently investigating disclaimers too, and have found that when you use imsext.dll you cant use your routing table. This stops us using pop clients, but more importantly enables my mail server to be used as a SPAM relay.

any help would be great!! Either a different way to add a disclaimer or a different way to stop the mail server being used as a spam relay would solve my problem.


I've follwed the instructions (its the way I was doing it anyway) but I've no idea how it stops spam - surely by using the imsext.dll as a custom routing program you bypass exchanges routing table and henmce open yourself up to spam? Please help!
Hi...well now you got me worried...as I recently had to get my domain un-blacklisted due to a spam problem we had!

You see...the info i pointed you too shows you 2 ways of setting up the Disclaimer...the 1st way is where you change your routing tables and point it to the dll file...that messes up the routing and opens your system up to spam..9As far as I know)...

The 2nd way is to edit the registry the same as the 1st-except you leave your routing as is..with your domains and all...and you add a value in the registry to pooint it to the dll...here is the info...
The purpose of option 2 is simple, if you are running multiple domains, it is possible that changing Exchange to use the Ims extension for routing can disable routing of the other domains. For me, this was a major problem. I am glad that I read up on this completely before I implemented it on my server. We run multplie domains for email here, for one to go down, it would have been a major issue.
To install the extension without changing the routing in Exchange Server, you will need to edit a second registry key. For me this process was painless, it went over smoothly.
Locate HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\ Services\MSExchangeIMC\Parameters
Select the parameters key, then create a new string value named NonRoutingExtensionDll
Double-click this value, and set the value data to be the filename and full path to imsext.dll.
You will need to create a new key below Parameters called Extension
To append a disclaimer to all outbound mail, create a string value called OutboundAppend under Extension and set the value to be the text you want to appear in the body of all emails.
If you do not want to set the disclaimer to append to the bottom of the body, then choose on of these options and replace with my example.

This is the part that you do instead of changing the routing within exchange...you se, you can avoid the hassle of messing up your routing..mine works..

hope this helps,


Thanks for that! But I still dont understand how you keep the routing table settings if you use the imsext.dll instead of the table. Surely the imsext.dll doesnt contain info about accepting or not accepting incoming email - in other words, how can i stop the spam and still have a disclaimer?

I can make a disclaimer, but if I have the disclaimer on I cant send/recieve external email!! So at the moment its one or the other for me.


Hi Aaron,

I know what you mean..I had the same problem (Challenge). You want to put in a disclaimer without effecting the routing and spam prevention. With the info I sent you, there are 2 ways to add a disclaimer. Method one requires that you edit the routing and point it to the imsext.dll...thus disabling the routing for your other domains. This would cause your other domains to not be able to get mail from the outside...and to open your system up to spam relay!

But there is another method: This is how I did it, and all my domains hosted on my exchnage server can get mail from the outsidse, and spam is still being prevented through the routing restrictions.

This is what you do:

Copy the imsext.dll to c:\exchsrvr\connect\msexcimc\bin

You will need to open the command prompt and type the following: "regsvr32 imsext.dll" in the directory where you placed the extension.

Now you need to edit the registry: There are 2 steps.

Locate HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\ Services\MSExchangeIMC\Parameters
Select the parameters key, then create a new string value named NonRoutingExtensionDll
Double-click this value, and set the value data to be the filename and full path to imsext.dll.
(ie. c:\exchsrvr\connect\msexcimc\bin\imsext.dll)

You will need to create a new key below Parameters called Extension
To append a disclaimer to all outbound mail, create a string value called OutboundAppend under Extension and set the value to be the text you want to appear in the body of all emails.

And now you just restart the Internet mail service.

Aaron..this works...I now have a disclaimer, my routing is still the same...you don;t even have to open Exchange at all during the obove procedure. And spam is still be prevented...cause the routing is in tact!

So there you have it...


Oh I see! I was pointing exchange admin toward the imsext.dll!!! IT WORKS NOW! Thanks a lot, youve helped me out no end.

thanks again

Apols, been away from TT for a while. There's a great FAQ on creating disclaimer using imsext.dll in this forum. It walks you all the way through!

I'm currently working on several FAQs, one for disclaimers along with a place to download what you need and another for stopping spoofing. I'm got the framework on an FAQ on stopping mailshots to former staff members and an idea on an FAQ about perpetual troublemakers.

Look for new FAQs shortly...
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