I am trying to create an application that allows me to disable check boxes based on a users selection of other check boxes. I have 7 different choices for a check box, and those 7 different choices can be ranked 1 - 3 ONLY once. So, for instance, of the 7 choices, you can only choose the choice once, and you must make three selections, ranked 1 - 3. I want to disable the check boxes for ranking 1 once a check box has been selected. In addition, I want to disable that check box in option 2 and 3 that has been selected in choice 1, etc.
Here is a depiction of what my form will look like:
Rank 1 2 3
Choice 1 [] [] []
Choice 2 [] [] []
Choice 3 [] [] []
Choice 4 [] [] []
Choice 5 [] [] []
Choice 6 [] [] []
Choice 7 [] [] []
Here is a depiction of what my form will look like:
Rank 1 2 3
Choice 1 [] [] []
Choice 2 [] [] []
Choice 3 [] [] []
Choice 4 [] [] []
Choice 5 [] [] []
Choice 6 [] [] []
Choice 7 [] [] []