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Disable right click? Blonde moment on previous post "disable left"

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Technical User
Apr 19, 2001
Is this possible? I am trying to secure student workstations so they can't right click on start and go to explore, or any other properties pages.
You can registry dive to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell and in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CLASSES\Folder\shell remove the ones you don't want. Cheers,
I would not advise anyone to go into their registry and begin deleting unless you really know what you are doing. Are the workstations on a network? :cool:
Yes they are on a network. Novell 5.1 w/Zenworks 3. I've limited access to everything else that needs be, but I don't have a fix for this.
Why not go into the reg?
Just make a backup (regedit, Registry, Export registry), and try it.
If it fails, restart, and just double click on the *.reg file you saved. It will import a complete working reg, or boot to DOS, and type: scanreg
Choose the latest working version to restore. Cheers,
Commtech I went into where you talked about in registry. You said to remove what you do not want. I couldn't really find alot there. Atleast not that I would know to remove that would effect right clicking. What where you refering to? This would be nice fix to know.
Thanks :)
Directly under the key I mentioned, are a whole bunch of sub-keys, with all the right click names. Delete the ones you don't want. (whole key).
Expand the tree by clicking on the + sign, you'll see them. Cheers,
The reason I was asking if you were on a network is I was wondering if there is any way to set system policies concerning the mouse functions?
ok, Here is the thing!!!! I like messing around with the
registry and changing stuff and that, I know what Im doing
most of the time, except after I exported the registry to a
safe place, and when I did for some reason I decided to double
click on the .reg file and it gave me an error saying that
I had tampered with the registry and this was illegal.....
so I then had to restart and when I did I get a blue screen
just as the ntkernal thing is loading....I cant go into DOS
mode from the boot up...(it just hangs...) and wont let me
use the last known good hardware profile...
So I booted up using a floppy boot disk, and I can now
work in DOS, so I tried the scanreg command and that didnt
so does anyone know how to fix this...??????
Im really stuck!! and have a lot of work to do!!!!!!!!!!! Jay~

"I'll moider da bum."
- Heavyweight boxer Tony Galento, when asked what he thought of William Shakespeare.

If you can't restore the reg using scanreg, your computer has big troubles, possibly a virus.
Try SAFE MODE command prompt, and then type: scanreg /fix
You can also manually load himem.sys from the command line, if you run into trouble with scanreg.
From the DOS prompt, you can also import the .reg file you made, type regedit /? at the command prompt for the switches to do that. Cheers,
hey thanks for that info, but I couldnt even get into
safe mode, kept BSODing me at the ntoskrnl.exe loader....
so I put in the WIN NT CD and tried to repair NT, and I
selected it to repair the System Reg files, which it did
and I got into NT normally after a reboot. But it was still
all messed up coz the reg had been cleaned and lost all my
program info and stuff, I was trying to clean everything up
program wise and that but it just wasnt happening blue screening
everywhere!!!! So I bit the bullet and reinstalled NT from
scratch, luckilly I got a chance to move my C:\ data to my
D:\ partition and it was safe there!!
thanks anyway!! Jay~

"I'll moider da bum."
- Heavyweight boxer Tony Galento, when asked what he thought of William Shakespeare.

Do you have a backup on floppy disk? If you are always messing with the registry you should back up somewhere other than your PC.
well I backed it up to my server and my E:which wont be touched in a reformat of NT. And when
I got back into NT and tried to import the .reg file
that I had saved, to see if it would fix the program stuff
it put me back to square 1 with the BSOD b4 the boot so I
had to reinstall a second time!! DOH! X-)
So there was obviously a problem with the backed
up .reg file settings or something...
And I couldn't back up to floppy it was over 10megs!!!!!
thats a heck of alot of floppys to span over!!

thanks again. Jay~

"I'll moider da bum."
- Heavyweight boxer Tony Galento, when asked what he thought of William Shakespeare.

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