I finally thought of something:<br><br>function printing(){return false}<br>if (window.print()){window.onPrint=printing}<br><br>not sure if the onPrint really exists, but most likly.<br><br> <p>theEclipse<br><a href=mailto:eclipse_web@hotmail.com>eclipse_web@hotmail.com</a><br><a href=robacarp.webjump.com>robacarp.webjump.com</a><br>**-Trying to build a documentation of a Javascript DOM, crossbrowser, of course. E-mail me if you know of any little known events and/or methods, etc.
Try this javascript "full window open" without menu buttons just a title bar for any specific page that you don't want people printing. You can change the window height/width.<br><br><script language="JavaScript"><br> <!--<br> function openWindow(myLink,windowName)<br> {<br> if(! window.focus)return;<br> var myWin=window.open("",windowName,"height=550,width=650,dependent=yes,scrollbars=no"<br> myWin.focus();<br> myLink.target=windowName;<br> }<br> //--><br></script><br></head><br><br><br><a href="file.htm" onClick="openWindow(this,'thoughts')">Text Link</a>
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