hi, my friend re-formatted his computer, and now he can't get the display adaptor to display colours more than 2 & 16 colours. There is also no sound, and pci communication device has a problem as well. any advice would be gratefully accepted,
Usually this fault would indicate the motherboard drivers have not been installed?
A disk is supplied with your moby and on it are all the necessary drivers need for the mainboard to comunicate with itself and all of the plugged in devices. Martin Just trying to help, sometimes falling short, I am only human after all.
Looks like you have not installed either the video drivers or the sound drivers after a fresh install, Windows is using its defaults. Find the drivers tha came with you're system.
I'm just rebuilding a mate's PC - similar situation. He doesn't have any driver disks with PC. I was planning to just download video drivers from the net but I don't know what card the box has got. What's easiest way to tell? Add/remove hardware, and get Windows to detect? Or, is there something I can look for physically on the card?
Product Updates and scan for updates. Usually Windows will find a driver that will work with the video card.
Try setting the video card up for VGA standard before you go to updates. Otherwise you can pull the card and get info from off the card (Chipset etc.) to get an idea about which sites to search to access drivers.
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