I am developing an application that uses Webbrowser control to load an encrypted html document from CD and decrypt it Befornavigate2, than to display decrypted content. Problem is it do not loads external .js (javasript) nor .css (style sheet) files and page looks cripled. Any help? I was using:
Text1.Text = Webbrowser1.Document.documentElement.innerText 'to read encrypted html file to an textbox
Dekriptovanje 'decripts textbox
'3. I used following to display content back to webbrowser control
Dim TestDoc As HTMLDocument
Set TestDoc = Webbrowser1.Document
TestDoc.body.innerHTML = Text1.Text
I am developing an application that uses Webbrowser control to load an encrypted html document from CD and decrypt it Befornavigate2, than to display decrypted content. Problem is it do not loads external .js (javasript) nor .css (style sheet) files and page looks cripled. Any help? I was using:
Text1.Text = Webbrowser1.Document.documentElement.innerText 'to read encrypted html file to an textbox
Dekriptovanje 'decripts textbox
'3. I used following to display content back to webbrowser control
Dim TestDoc As HTMLDocument
Set TestDoc = Webbrowser1.Document
TestDoc.body.innerHTML = Text1.Text