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Digital Alpha Server and Linux

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Technical User
Nov 27, 2000
Our Local Hospital just went belly up and had a mamouth sale. I purchased a Digital Dec 2000 axp Alpha Server. I wanted to set this up for my Linux server so I could free up a PC for another user. So when I got the thing home there is no place to plug in a monitor. I find this very odd. What did they do, program this thing then pull the video card??? I was going to put in a video card out of the junk box but it is a EISA, ...... nothing in the junk box. System has apx 100+ memory, EISA SCSI drive and Eithernet. Believe it or not a 2.88 floppy. Plus 8gb tape backup. Can someone that has had experience with a system like this please give me a hand. Or should I just pull the ram and scrap the rest.
Hmm, ok no video? Sounds strange? But it might have a serial output. So that you plug in another pc with a serial adapter (very common on routers etc) and run a terminal program to access the output data.
I think you are correct about the serial output. It has two 9 pin serial outputs and both have some type of adaptor plugged into them. Looks like a phone jack but has six connections, but a 6 pin phone STYLE plug will not fit the socket. I tried. The lock pin is offset. I also picked up a couple new dumb terminals with this package and they both have this weird socket on the back. VT540's. I am unable to locate a plug like this or a EISA video card. I do have another dumb terminal with a db25 socket and I unplugged the phone STYLE adaptor from the Alpha Server 8 pin and ran a cable between the two. Nothing on the dumb terminal. I even tried a null modem and still nothing. All I want to do is get Linux on this thing, got any ideas or should I scrap it?
Hmm, If you consider scraping it please send it to me instead :)

Well, you could probably call compac and say that your serial cable is broken or something and order a new for around 20$. What program are you running when trying to listen to the serial port?

You should use hyper terminal with this settings (usualy) 9600 8N1 on the serial you have connected.

Hope this helps
I did like you said, I used my laptop with procomm plus and ran it dirrectly into the serial port of the Alpha server. Yes it did work......kind of. I get this prompt:
Welcome to OpenVMS AXP (TM) Operating System Version V1.5-1h1


This is fine but does me no good what so ever helping me install linux and building my own Alpha Server.
Got any idea's?
I have a simmular server that we use for our Library card catalog system. I believe (but not positive) that the VMS loader is part of the bios. The reason I believe this is because I was asked to update the system about 3 years ago and the DEC technician that was stepping me through the upgrade over the phone had me flash the bios. Durring the bios upgrade I recall something about updating the VMS loader....

Check out Compaq's Alpha Site (they now own DEC/Alpha):

I did find the tech notes on your particular server and it does not list any *nix OS, but this does not mean it cant be done.

Also check out (if you havent already):
They have a lot of FAQ's that might help you out.
After reading further, I believe that my bios theory is correct.


And read the links under Documentation... especially the ones on the Miniloader and AlphaBIOS.

This concept is starting to intrigue me. Maybe I can convince the Library to upgrade their system so I can get my hands on their old box :) heres dreaming
Kind of late (based on the date of your post) but you can boot to the prompt and set os_type to unix. (or even NT on that box!) Then reboot.

That shoud boot you to the chevron prompt.
at that point you can boot from a cdrom.

First check to see if the Alpha 2000 is on the hardware compatibility list (HCL) for your flavor of Linux. I had a real hard time installing Linux on an Alpha 2100A.

Buena Suerte! ;-)
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