Hi all,
I've spent a fair amount on time on this already, so I dont post something with an obvious answer...
I have a time start field called {PATDRUG.TIME_ARRV} and time finished field called {PATDRUG.TIME_FIN}.
They are both string fields and the time is recorded on the same day.
Somtimes they are both not completed, and sometimes only one of the times is completed.
The time is recorded in the db (sql server) as HH:MM, if no time is entered the field is null.
If a time was entered then deleted then a ":" appears in the field !
I just need to know the difference between both times in hours and minutes...
Should be simple eh ?...
Well not for an amateur like me !
I had managed to do in some instances where all fields are completed, but the problem is accomodating the fact the fields may not be completed sometimes...
I've spent a fair amount on time on this already, so I dont post something with an obvious answer...
I have a time start field called {PATDRUG.TIME_ARRV} and time finished field called {PATDRUG.TIME_FIN}.
They are both string fields and the time is recorded on the same day.
Somtimes they are both not completed, and sometimes only one of the times is completed.
The time is recorded in the db (sql server) as HH:MM, if no time is entered the field is null.
If a time was entered then deleted then a ":" appears in the field !
I just need to know the difference between both times in hours and minutes...
Should be simple eh ?...
Well not for an amateur like me !
I had managed to do in some instances where all fields are completed, but the problem is accomodating the fact the fields may not be completed sometimes...