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Did someone ask about editing per chacter entry

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Jul 7, 1999
I have some code that edits EACH keystroke for specific types.. tusconpapa
Just post it here Tusconpapa, lots of people &quot;lurk&quot; (read everything but don't post&quot; who will find it useful.<br>
--- <p>Mike Lacey<br><a href=mailto:Mike_Lacey@Cargill.Com>Mike_Lacey@Cargill.Com</a><br><a href=http:// Cargill's Corporate Web Site</a><br>
Mike ,I found this in some veryold code <br>
Private Sub Amount_Change()<br>
Dim strvalid As String<br>
strvalid = &quot;0123456789.&quot;<br>
If keyascii &gt; 26 Then<br>
If InStr(strvalid, Chr(keyascii)) = 0 Then<br>
keyascii = 0<br>
End If<br>
End If<br>
AccessKeys = vbKeyReturn<br>
End Sub<br>

I would like to show u some code for Maskedit, but<br>
my copy is a very early BATA release with a random<br>
number error generator so u always get a different<br>
error number even if u follow the same steps. DON'T<br>
U just love the maskedit. ! of course it's undocumemted, why change now ! T.
I use this one a lot, I use the tag property for the filtering.<br>
The Val(&quot;12,2&quot;) is to find out what the decimal point is comma or a period intead of using an API to find the locale.<br>
Function filtext(KeyAscii As Integer, tag As String) As Integer<br>
Dim txt As String<br>
Dim nut As String<br>
Dim datf As String<br>
Dim telf As String<br>
datf = &quot;1234567890/-&quot;<br>
If Val(&quot;12,2&quot;) = 12 Then<br>
nut = &quot;1234567890,-&quot;<br>
nut = &quot;1234567890.-&quot;<br>
End If<br>
telf = &quot;1234567890/-() &quot;<br>
txt = &quot;abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHI'JKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZÑñáéíóú&quot;<br>
filtext = KeyAscii<br>
If tag = &quot;a&quot; Then<br>
If InStr(1, txt, Chr(KeyAscii)) &gt; 0 Then filtext = KeyAscii Else filtext = 0<br>
ElseIf tag = &quot;n&quot; Then<br>
If InStr(1, nut, Chr(KeyAscii)) &gt; 0 Then filtext = KeyAscii Else filtext = 0<br>
ElseIf tag = &quot;t&quot; Then<br>
If InStr(1, telf, Chr(KeyAscii)) &gt; 0 Then filtext = KeyAscii Else filtext = 0<br>
ElseIf tag = &quot;d&quot; Then<br>
If InStr(1, datf, Chr(KeyAscii)) &gt; 0 Then filtext = KeyAscii Else filtext = 0<br>
ElseIf Left(tag, 1) = &quot;s&quot; Then<br>
If InStr(1, tag, Chr(KeyAscii)) &gt; 0 Then filtext = KeyAscii Else filtext = 0<br>
End If<br>
If KeyAscii = 8 Or KeyAscii = 9 Then filtext = KeyAscii<br>
End Function<br>

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