I have so far not seen an implementation of IP Office with DIDs over loop start trunks. Will IPO do this well, sending calls that come in (regardless of on which trunk) to the extension associated with a particular DID number?
How is DDI (or DID) presented on loop start trunks?
I have only ever seen this once on a uk site (& I beleve it was a verry early experimental circuit) & it is no longer offered by anu UK network provider
At my previous job, where I managed a Siemens switch, we had 10 Analog trunks provisioned by Verizon for DID service, and other trunks that handled outbound calls to the CO. We paid for 100 DID numbers in the company's name for extensions at the site. Each extn could be reached by an outside caller by use of the published DID number (with of course a limit of 10 inbound calls at one time). The switch took the call on one of the DID trunks and directed it to the appropriate 4 digit telephone extension.
For example, if you dialed 475-3150, the call rang through only to the desk extn 3150.
So the switch, by design, had the featured ability to direct calls that way as they came through from the telco CO.
The IPO is of course considerably less money than that Siemens switch, so I doubted they coded such a feature into the IPO product. I know with the IPOffice I can direct calls on individual lines (Whether analog or channels in a PRI) to a particular extn, but that requires an unique analog line or PRI channel for EACH extn for which the client wants a unique DID number.
Since posting the original question, Avaya tech told me it can't be done like we did on the Siemens switch. Bother!
Loop Start trunks do not provide DID service. You probably had DID trunk packs in the Siemens switch connected to copper DID trunks. You can still order copper DID trunks from Verizon or other service providers although this is getting pretty rare. In any event, IPO does not have a copper DID trunk module.
Would be nice if it did though. I am often foiled in trying to upgrade a legend/magix customer with analog DID's, when the customer is too small for PRI.
We've had a few recent installations where the cost of the T-1 (without PRI) has gotten so low that there wasn't a significant difference in price between a new T-1 and the cost of the combination of loop/ground start lines plus the DID trunks they used before. We asked the service provider to add a block of DIDs to the mix and the customer was pretty happy with the result. The prices vary wildly between service providers, though, with Verizon at the upper end of the scale (still about $1 per DID number) and others down around $10 per hundred. I guess it varies by region.
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