Using LBN numbers and Location services and Network Zone ID
222 is SC to 2222
2222 is LBN with prefix 10401 Network Zone ID 1
Phones IP is in NZ1
104012222 is sent to a Trunking Gateway on a emergency route
Trunking gateway absorbs 9 digits and inserts 2*222 and sends to another UG
This UG has a HG 2*222 with two analogue phones.
MiVB's running 7.2
Using LBN numbers and Location services and Network Zone ID
222 is SC to 2222
2222 is LBN with prefix 10401 Network Zone ID 1
Phones IP is in NZ1
104012222 is sent to a Trunking Gateway on a emergency route
Trunking gateway absorbs 9 digits and inserts 2*222 and sends to another UG
This UG has a HG 2*222 with two analogue phones.
MiVB's running 7.2