I built a computer to use as a small file server at work. I used the same exact parts as I have for two other desktop computers, but for some reason, this one doesn't want to work. It will be working just fine, then all of the sudden the HD will make a whirring, hissing noise. Then it makes this clicking noise once, and totally hangs up. Sometimes, there's no noise, but at least 3 or 4 times a day, it completely freezes. When I reboot the computer, sometimes it goes back to normal. Other times, like today, the system doesn't see the HD, CD drive, or floppy drive. I've run the diagnostic software provided by the manufacturer for the HD, and it says everything is fine, but something is definately going on.
If anybody can help me figure out why this blasted thing is acting up, it would save me a terrible amount of stress.
If anybody can help me figure out why this blasted thing is acting up, it would save me a terrible amount of stress.