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Jul 28, 1999
What does "DHTML" mean and is it different from HTML? What does the "D" stand for? I know HTML (or at least I think I know) stands for "hyper text mark-up language", but i don't know what the "D" stands for.
The 'D' stands for Dynamic, and for the most part allows changes to a page w/o reloading it. That's a simplistic explanation, but will do for quick-and-dirty.<br>

DHTML(Dynamic HTML) is a technology supported by Netscape Communicator and IE 4 that enables a web document to be dynamic. DHTML is NOT JavaScript, but rather, a generic enhancement to the browser itself that allows elements to be moved around, content to appear and disappear, text to change even after the document has loaded etc. JavaScript (or any other scripting language, for that matter), merely provides the means to access these enhancements. DHTML is not a programming language, but a feature.<br>
CSS(cascading sytle sheets) is a styling technology that allows web developers the liberty to apply style and formatting to a document through a centralized location. In Netscape 4, that is all that CSS does, but IE 4 also utilizes CSS (namely, the id attribute of CSS) to allow web developers easy access to various elements in a document<br>

Well, gee, thanks for that little bit there, "McKarl".
Hey, it was short, sweet, and to the point...<br>
If only tech support were usually that efficient. ;)
hey kyrene, you sound like a nice girl, not chatting you up or anything,,, vinc... what can i say... im a ge..geoni..gei..geeni... clever guy....<br>
hey vinc... i'm the same age as you... :)<br>
your male though right ;)<br>

To Karl, "your male though right" - yep.<br>
To Kyrene, it's great to see a girl doing this kind of stuff. I am fed up with valley girls (I LIVE in a place called "Apple Valley") and ditzes. Girls just never even TRY to amount to anything any more and I applaud your slightly superior knowledge (superior to mine, I mean).<br>

But, then again, you might be, like, 40 or something so you have had a long time to GET smarter than me...
I'm 21. :) And employed as a web programmer.<br>
I'm also on the East Coast--no Valley chicks over here (thank the gods).<br>
Yeah, it is good to see other women at this... I just wish there were more.<br>
Thanks for the compliments!
So the only place where there are no valley girls is the only place (in America) I would never go? I guess I would rather put up the these girls if I get to leave my front door unlocked (even when I go on vacation).
*grin* Unfortunately there are Valley guys and girls just about wherever you go... but if you look hard enough, you'll find intelligent people. Attractive, even, too....<br>
Do what I did... go to college....<br>
In all seriousness though (and returning to the topic), I don't know many female programmers. I was the only female computer science major that graduated out of my class. I expected the web profession to be a little more diverse, but if it is, it isn't by much.<br>

Heh, the same in my AP Computer Science class. There weren't any girls at all!
my god, HEY VIN!... i was chattin her up! ( :) ) ah well.. America's too far anyhow...<br>
Kyrene, u a web developer?? what web designes you host??<br>
ie:do you have a personal Web page??
Yup, I'm a web programmer... I have a bunch of personal and professional sites that I've worked on.<br>
Just started work about a month ago, so nothing that I've worked on here is "live" yet.... :)
Huh. I already have about 20 sites (only worked for about 2 months). They suck, but if you want to see them, you can go to They are linked together, but there is one good frames page (kind of like a menu) that you won't see if you go to that link, which is more or less my homepage. I don't make the jewelry, btw, it is my sister, she begged to have me link it to my site because I get about 10 hits a day (blah). The collector's plates are my grandpa's
why don't you guys just email each other instead of openly flirting in here??? don't mean to sound mean or anything, just asking...<br>

I'm not flirting...as stated above, they're too young for me. That's not an insult to them, but I happen to be an adult. If they wish to talk amongst themselves or to me about web development, that's their business....<br>
Back to the subject, it IS a shame that there are so few female programmers.... Also a shame that I can't seem to find a lot of decent tutorials for teaching DHTML. I've found but I'd be nowhere without the book I bought on it, _Dynamic HTML Unleashed_.<br>
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