i have a probloem setting up my cable modem. I keep gwetting an auto cinfigure ip address on my wan side, when it is clearly spose to come from my isp's dchp server. My question is, does anyone know how to turn off win2k servers auto config for ips.
Make sure you select automatically get an ip in My network places tcp/ip properties dialogue box. Make sure you have connectivity to your modem and your NIC is working. Look for the green light. Then reboot. WIn2k has the 169.254 address or something like that when it isnt getting an IP address.
Or you can try at the command prompt ipconfig /release then ipconfig/renew if that doesnt work Shakamon
"Only the dead fish follow the stream"
Assuming you have a link light, possibly the router doesn't have dhcp enabled. just a thought, other than that the only thing I can think of is your ip stack might be corrupt, try reinstalling tcp/ip.
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