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Device on Parallel Port Window XP 2

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Dec 18, 2001
I have a device running on LPT1: with a device driver installed. In Windows XP my clipper application freezes.
Seems that windows holds the bytes sent to parallel.
The device driver comunicates with the device, ie., there´s outputs and inputs of bytes to and from parallel port. The device driver provider said "you must change your application to a visual language or uninstall XP and install Windows 98 or ME". UFO !
This application comunicates very well with Win95/98/ME with the device driver installed.
Anybody faced this kind of problem ?
Thak You in advance !
If you look in the printer's properties, advanced tab, there is an option to print directly to the printer. It may help.

Ian Boys
DTE Systems Ltd
Thank You Boys.
I´ve downloaded TameDos. Didn´t work yet but i need to read if there´s some config. we can do.
I´ve changed to print directo to port too. Besides, i tried change all config. that is visible about printers, and even uninstall all printers. Nothing yet. I´m still trying.
I noticed that, after a time, if you open Start,Setup,Printer and view the properties of the installed printer, there´s one byte waiting. I think we need something that say to windows (parallel driver or printer adm.) "you stupid, this is not yours, let it go

There's only 1 real solution, get the device-driver updated to work correctly with Win-NT like OS's, like WinNT, Win2K, WinXP & Win2K3.
These OS's require quite different methods of accessing hardware, while Win9x OS's allow direct H/W access. The supplier of the device-driver *should* be aware of these issues, as WinNT has been around for quite some time, and this problem must have been seen earlier!

With the 'Visual language' they probably mean to say '32-bit language that can access Windows DLL's', and luckily xHarbour offers this feature ( & If you go for xHarbour, get the free version (.org) using the Borland C++ compiler, it has a tool to create a .lib from a .dll (implib) so the DLL functions are easly accessable from xHarbour (just like any other function-call).

I think i don´t Metron. The device is installed locally. Besides, communication between my app. and device is dual, bytes come and go.
Pontelo, Metron9,
Please re-read the first alinea of my previous response.

I read somewhere in the MSKB that XP takes LPT1 for its own windows use--just printing. If you have a parallel device installed there it will automatically cause a conflict with windows. Move the device to a second port LPT2. You should be able to configure that port then. Also, listen to TonHu, migrate to Windows, it only hurts for a little while. You will be much happier working in the windows environment with the rest of us.

Best Regards,
David Tracy
Tanks David and TonHu
I will port to windows. But i can´t do it now.
I already have a framework mounted to adapt this project.
The idea about LPT2 is good. I´ve not thought about this.
I will try and give return anyway.

I am working on a project using the LPT port to control stepper motors. Here is a link to a program called INPOUT and a description of the difference between what Windows NT and XP do now that causes problems interfaceing with this port.
This one I just tried, You install it, select the .exe programs you want to be able to use the ports and thats it. Any program that works on Windows 98 will work on NT and XP.
Cost about 29 bucks shareware

Thanks for finding these valuable links!

A star for you!

I had a similar problem with a parallel printer connected to lpt1. The output was very slow. Try changing the following register key.

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\WOW] lPT_timeout"="15"

The problem was corrected by modifying the value of the lpt_timeout
from "15" to "2"

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