In my error logging, I'd like to be able to determine the method that caused an error.
I've been all through the System.Diagnostics and System.Reflection namespaces, and I haven't spotted anything that would allow me to do this ... it must be there, but I'm just not seeing it.
So far the best idea I've come up with is to get a Stacktrace, and the look at the first few Frames in it. This will probably work, but seems like a kludge.
Thanks in advance.
Chip H.
I've been all through the System.Diagnostics and System.Reflection namespaces, and I haven't spotted anything that would allow me to do this ... it must be there, but I'm just not seeing it.
So far the best idea I've come up with is to get a Stacktrace, and the look at the first few Frames in it. This will probably work, but seems like a kludge.
Thanks in advance.
Chip H.