I'm a problem with InDy components, that I do not know well, becaus I used Socket components (Delphi 5) and during migration to Delphi7 they are vanished. I know that is possible to install package dclSocket, but I prefer to migrate to this unfamiliar components, but is evident that I've not understand nothing.
This is the source (an extract, that I think is sufficient).
The connection is on, the same computer, two distinct procedures, the port > 50000.
procedure client
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(components TIdTCPClient + TIdAntiFreeze)
Here, I create a file on disk, containing data to send to the server, and send it dimension: Size := Length(File)
. Client.WriteInteger(Size); // dimension packet
. TmpStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
. TmpStream.LoadFromFile(IndirProc+'\REPORT\TMS.DAT' ); // file created on local disk
. Client.OpenWriteBuffer;
. try
. Client.WriteStream(TmpStream);
. except
. on E: Exception do
. MesServ('Transazione non eseguita: +#10+'"'+ E.Message+'"'+
. #10+'Riprovare...');
. end;
. Client.CloseWriteBuffer;
. FreeAndNil(TmpStream);
procedure Server
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(components TIdTCPServer + TIdThreadMgrDefault + TIdAntiFreeze.)
here, we are in event Server.OnExecute:
. try
. TmpStream := TFileStream.Create(IndirArch+'\Trans7',fmCreate);
. AThread.Connection.ReadStream(TmpStream,-1,False);
. except
. on E: Exception do begin
. MesServ(3,'Errore in lettura dati: '+E.Message); Ok := False;
. end;
. end;
. FreeAndNil(TmpStream);
Problem !!!
- - - - - - - - -
In my intention, at the end of the operation, on the local disk (of the server) now there is a file named "Trans7", but this is not.
The server is blocked at row "AThread.Connection.ReadStream...", and the client remains waiting of an answer, and the two procedures remain suspended.
The server reads on the buffer the data that I've sent with the client,
and it writes the data on the TFileStream file, from position 0 to position Size: is this just?
I've tested so:
. try
. TmpStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
. AThread.Connection.ReadStream(TmpStream,-1,False);
. TmpStream.SaveToFile(IndirArch+'\Trans7');
. except
. on E: Exception do begin
. MesServ(3,'Errore in lettura dati: '+E.Message); Ok := False;
. end;
. end;
. FreeAndNil(TmpStream);
In this case, the procedure server raise an error of Memory Overflow, at line "AThread.Connection.ReadStream...", the flow continues in "Except" and return to "try", in an infinite loop. The client remain blocked on line "Client.WriteStream(TmpStream);", and I must close the two procedures via TaskManager of the Windows.
I cannot to use ReadLn or WriteLn methods (but in this case, all functions), because in my data there are numerous "#10" and "#13".
Where is the bug?
Thanks very much for answers and help, and I hope that my english is at least comprensible.
I'm a problem with InDy components, that I do not know well, becaus I used Socket components (Delphi 5) and during migration to Delphi7 they are vanished. I know that is possible to install package dclSocket, but I prefer to migrate to this unfamiliar components, but is evident that I've not understand nothing.
This is the source (an extract, that I think is sufficient).
The connection is on, the same computer, two distinct procedures, the port > 50000.
procedure client
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(components TIdTCPClient + TIdAntiFreeze)
Here, I create a file on disk, containing data to send to the server, and send it dimension: Size := Length(File)
. Client.WriteInteger(Size); // dimension packet
. TmpStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
. TmpStream.LoadFromFile(IndirProc+'\REPORT\TMS.DAT' ); // file created on local disk
. Client.OpenWriteBuffer;
. try
. Client.WriteStream(TmpStream);
. except
. on E: Exception do
. MesServ('Transazione non eseguita: +#10+'"'+ E.Message+'"'+
. #10+'Riprovare...');
. end;
. Client.CloseWriteBuffer;
. FreeAndNil(TmpStream);
procedure Server
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(components TIdTCPServer + TIdThreadMgrDefault + TIdAntiFreeze.)
here, we are in event Server.OnExecute:
. try
. TmpStream := TFileStream.Create(IndirArch+'\Trans7',fmCreate);
. AThread.Connection.ReadStream(TmpStream,-1,False);
. except
. on E: Exception do begin
. MesServ(3,'Errore in lettura dati: '+E.Message); Ok := False;
. end;
. end;
. FreeAndNil(TmpStream);
Problem !!!
- - - - - - - - -
In my intention, at the end of the operation, on the local disk (of the server) now there is a file named "Trans7", but this is not.
The server is blocked at row "AThread.Connection.ReadStream...", and the client remains waiting of an answer, and the two procedures remain suspended.
The server reads on the buffer the data that I've sent with the client,
and it writes the data on the TFileStream file, from position 0 to position Size: is this just?
I've tested so:
. try
. TmpStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
. AThread.Connection.ReadStream(TmpStream,-1,False);
. TmpStream.SaveToFile(IndirArch+'\Trans7');
. except
. on E: Exception do begin
. MesServ(3,'Errore in lettura dati: '+E.Message); Ok := False;
. end;
. end;
. FreeAndNil(TmpStream);
In this case, the procedure server raise an error of Memory Overflow, at line "AThread.Connection.ReadStream...", the flow continues in "Except" and return to "try", in an infinite loop. The client remain blocked on line "Client.WriteStream(TmpStream);", and I must close the two procedures via TaskManager of the Windows.
I cannot to use ReadLn or WriteLn methods (but in this case, all functions), because in my data there are numerous "#10" and "#13".
Where is the bug?
Thanks very much for answers and help, and I hope that my english is at least comprensible.