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Delphi Personal and Databases 1

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Oct 24, 2001
Hi there,

Does anyone know if it is possible to open Paradox databases with Delphi 7 Personal Edition?



"Logic is invincible because in order to combat logic it is necessary to use logic." -- Pierre Boutroux
Thanks BTecho.

I'm more of a VB programmer, so I was hoping that, just as in VB, you can use components even if you aren't licensed (i.e. You can establish a reference to, e.g., DAO3.51 and write an application for personal use). Once I got to grips with VB Learning Edition I bought the Pro Edition.

It seems to me very churlish of Borland to force one to fork out £700.00 just so that you can learn how to play with databases in Delphi.

As a consequence I can't see me migrating to Delphi any time soon, which is a shame considering its advantages, and the considerable investment it has cost to find this out! ARGH!

Fortunately I've managed to do what I was going to do in Delphi with VB - which was basically bulk insert a whole load of .db files into a .mdb.

Anyway thanks again for your reply and I apologise for my ranting.



"Logic is invincible because in order to combat logic it is necessary to use logic." -- Pierre Boutroux
I started with the Delphi 3 standard edition, which has the BDE (Borland Database Engine) for about $100, in subsequent versions at the same price it is possible to connect to paradox, dbase and access. See if you can lay your hand on a lower version (4, 5 and 6) of Delphi.
I once found the Delphi 3 - Client server edition on an acompanion CD of Programming magazine

Steven van Els
Thanks for the tip svanels. I feel a trip to Amazon coming on...



"Logic is invincible because in order to combat logic it is necessary to use logic." -- Pierre Boutroux
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