I hope someone can help me because I am lost with this.
I wrote an application usin Delphi 6 and on a tab I have used multiple TAdvStringGrids (TMS).
The problem is that whenever I close my application with "CLOSE;" itermittingly I get an error of "Debugger Exception Notification Project MYPROJ.exe raised exception class EInvalidOperation with message 'Control 'maintabcontrol' has no parent window'. Process stopped. Use Step or Run to continue"
Then I press F9 to continue and I get this error "Control 'maintabcontrol' has no parent window." then when I click OK on this error I get this "Application Error
Exception EAccessViolation in module MYPROJ.exe at 00001D71.
Access violation at address 00401D71 in module 'MYPROJ.exe'. Write of address 00000018."
Hope someone can help
I hope someone can help me because I am lost with this.
I wrote an application usin Delphi 6 and on a tab I have used multiple TAdvStringGrids (TMS).
The problem is that whenever I close my application with "CLOSE;" itermittingly I get an error of "Debugger Exception Notification Project MYPROJ.exe raised exception class EInvalidOperation with message 'Control 'maintabcontrol' has no parent window'. Process stopped. Use Step or Run to continue"
Then I press F9 to continue and I get this error "Control 'maintabcontrol' has no parent window." then when I click OK on this error I get this "Application Error
Exception EAccessViolation in module MYPROJ.exe at 00001D71.
Access violation at address 00401D71 in module 'MYPROJ.exe'. Write of address 00000018."
Hope someone can help