Here's one thing you can try:-
From the Start menu select Run.
Type in 'msconfig'. This will bring up the System Configuration Utility.
Press the Advanced button to bring up the Advanced Troubleshooting Settings dialog box.
Click on 'Disable fast shutdown' so that a tick appears in the box next to it, and then OK everything.
With a bit of luck this should solve your problem.
This was not my idea, I got it from the following forum search:
I think this is going to be one of those longer threads. ;-)
Even microsoft themselves seem to have problems giving a definative answer (does this suprise anybody??), this their own little page on shutdown troubleshooting.
I have tried all the tips on this wonderful web site. none work in my case. It is not that the Dell laptop hangs up during shutdown, it never attemps to shutdown with any of the commands or processes. It will shutdown from Safemode, but not any other way. Have disable all to startup files and still will not shutdown. thanks for your help, have a great Xmas.
Surely you've tried the shortcuts to shutdown/restart a few threads down?
IF they don't work...suspect run32dll as a culprit and try replacing it.
Just imagining what I'd try if faced with a similar thorny crown...and thisisit!
PLEASE do let us know (translateOCUMENT) the fix.
John Payne
It may be worth checking out the FAQ I have posted on this very subject. Shutdown problems on Win98 are very common, but from my expireince this is the most effective fix.
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