What would you do if a fellow "professional" (cough choke)
deliberately infected your network with a virus to prove a point? (Sent through file transfer.)
If the virus of choice was executed on the PC due to trust of the person sending it to you, and it was an email virus that destroyed your credibility with your clients, sending them the virus?
This actually happened, and I am curious to know how members would handle this....any action they would take or not, or just put it down to a "got me" and forget it....learn from it.
I am eagerly awaiting points of view.
Kimber Members of Tek-Tips provide answers to questions based on the information given. For the best answers, post detailed descriptions of the issue. Use the search features of the site to see if your issue was already addressed in another thread.
deliberately infected your network with a virus to prove a point? (Sent through file transfer.)
If the virus of choice was executed on the PC due to trust of the person sending it to you, and it was an email virus that destroyed your credibility with your clients, sending them the virus?
This actually happened, and I am curious to know how members would handle this....any action they would take or not, or just put it down to a "got me" and forget it....learn from it.
I am eagerly awaiting points of view.
Kimber Members of Tek-Tips provide answers to questions based on the information given. For the best answers, post detailed descriptions of the issue. Use the search features of the site to see if your issue was already addressed in another thread.