On some Redhat 7, Solaris, and HP boxes, I've/others have noticed occasional delays in responding to connection requests for ftp and telnet. We get connected but no login prompt for a few/many seconds. Also, the netstat -a command will show several connections, hang, and then continue on.
The delay doesn't impact existing connections. However, we can have multiple windows up trying to connect via telnet and/or ftp, and existing telnet sessions issuing a "netstat -a" command, all in a hung state. Then, on their own, they all come clear at the same time. The netstat -a command is the only command we've noticed exhibiting this behavior on an existing connection.
I've seen this for some time on some Sun boxes but others never show the behavior. Now I'm seeing it on my Redhat 7 at home and in talking with other SA's, they've seen it on other boxes too.
Something one SA noticed...although netstat -a shows the problem, we can issue a simultaneous netstat -na on another session and not see the problem.
What's the common thread??? At first I thought inetd/xinetd, until the nestat command showed up. The -na/-a points towards DNS but doing telnet/ftp via IP or DNS makes no difference---both delay.
Thanks in advance for thoughts/suggestions!
Gary Gressel
The delay doesn't impact existing connections. However, we can have multiple windows up trying to connect via telnet and/or ftp, and existing telnet sessions issuing a "netstat -a" command, all in a hung state. Then, on their own, they all come clear at the same time. The netstat -a command is the only command we've noticed exhibiting this behavior on an existing connection.
I've seen this for some time on some Sun boxes but others never show the behavior. Now I'm seeing it on my Redhat 7 at home and in talking with other SA's, they've seen it on other boxes too.
Something one SA noticed...although netstat -a shows the problem, we can issue a simultaneous netstat -na on another session and not see the problem.
What's the common thread??? At first I thought inetd/xinetd, until the nestat command showed up. The -na/-a points towards DNS but doing telnet/ftp via IP or DNS makes no difference---both delay.
Thanks in advance for thoughts/suggestions!
Gary Gressel